Obscure Obsession

Mar 30, 2012 22:35

Title: Obscure Obsession
Author: mystery
Pairing: ZiKyung, minor!U-Bomb
Rating: R/NC-17
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: If I owned them, there’s no way in hell I’d write this half-assed shit about them. I’d film them 24/7.
Warning(s): Drug use/addiction, light smut, character!death
Summary: Kyung would never even think of abandoning Jiho.
Author’s Note: I don't even know. Does this even make sense?
Fanfiction Masterlist


Kyung was the first one who noticed when Jiho started becoming depressed. Now that he thinks about it, he was probably the only one.

He knows Jiho is depressed and he knows he’s the only one who can make him laugh, because Jiho told him so. He knows Jiho doesn’t have an appetite anymore, but he forces him to eat because he’s his friend and he doesn’t want him to die.

He knows that Jiho isn’t happy when they celebrate his sixteenth birthday. He knows he’s thankful, sees it in his eyes, but happy? No, Jiho hasn’t been happy in a while and sometimes it makes Kyung feel guilty because he’s happy.

“Do you want to die?” he asks in a murmur during the evening of Jiho’s sixteenth birthday, startling both Jiho and Yukwon, who also decided to sleep over.

There is silence, in which Yukwon’s eyes fly between Kyung and Jiho so quickly Kyung is afraid he’ll somehow hurt himself and Jiho stares at a spot in the ceiling, chewing on his lower lip until it almost bleeds. Yukwon didn’t know about Jiho, but Jiho doesn’t seem to mind that Kyung accidentally spilled his secret.

“I do drugs,” Jiho answers, finally moving his gaze from the ceiling to his friend. Kyung nods. He found out about the drugs a while ago.

“I know,” he says. Jiho raises an eyebrow. Yukwon stays silent, but his gaze is focused on Jiho now.

“Why?” Yukwon asks after several minutes of staring at Jiho. Jiho lets out a laugh that startles both Kyung and Yukwon.

“I don’t know. It’s good. Want to try?”

Yukwon’s eyes widen and he moves back a little, shocked. Kyung lets out a snort but shrugs.

“Sure, why not,” he says, pulling a surprised laugh from Jiho. Neither of the three says anything as Jiho moves around the room, quickly locating his hidden stash and pulling out the stuff. It’s not much, it’s just enough for the three of them but Yukwon doesn’t try until he sees how Kyung reacts to it.

Jiho’s right, Kyung thinks. It is good. Yukwon seems to agree as well.

Neither of them is prepared for how easy it is to fall into addiction. When Kyung gets in a huge fight with his parents, he seeks refuge with Jiho, gets high with him, gets even more aggressive and ends up getting himself thrown out by his parents the next morning.

Jiho laughs when he hears it, says he knows this guy who is a little older than them and lives by himself.

“He’d need some company,” Jiho says with a half shrug and it’s all encouragement Kyung needs to seek this Jaehyo guy out and ask him for a place to stay. Jaehyo gladly, surprised, accepts.

Jiho sinks deeper into depression, addiction, and Kyung and Yukwon sink with him. They’re not depressed, just addicted. Besides they’re Jiho’s best friends and best friends always stay with each other, right?

Yukwon gets out of it after a year. He finds himself a boyfriend, Minhyuk, who does not accept Yukwon’s addiction at all. Minhyuk is as old as Jaehyo and soon all five of them are a tight knit group. Minhyuk tries to get Jiho and Kyung to quit the drugs as well, but Jiho refuses and Kyung is not about to leave his best friend alone.

Kyung does realize things have gone too far when he wakes up in the middle of a night by a high Jiho pressing him down, demanding sex.

“Sex is good,” he groans as he rubs against Kyung and Kyung can’t deny that it feels good. “Come on. There’s not much of a difference, is there?”

Again, Jiho is right. There’s not much of a difference; sex is just another addiction, just like the drugs they do. When Minhyuk catches them, he yells and he shakes them and he tries to make them understand but he stops when Yukwon tells him they’re both high and don’t pay much attention to what he’s saying either way. Kyung and Jiho laugh and share a celebratory kiss over the expression on Minhyuk’s face.

“They’re not addicted to sex, hyung,” Yukwon says softly, placing a hand on Minhyuk’s shoulder. This time Jiho and Kyung do pay attention to the words tumbling in the air. “They’re addicted to each other.”

Jiho is still depressed but when they’re both constantly high, constantly fucking, it’s easy to pretend that he isn’t. At least until Minhyuk gets Jaehyo on his side and decide to interfere.

“Do you want to die?” This time it’s Jaehyo who asks and Jiho laughs airily at the question, turning his head to breathe out the smoke in his mouth right in Jaehyo’s face.

“Sometimes,” he replies and it’s good enough for that time.

Then things get worse. Jiho stops eating even when Kyung begs him to, even when he tries to feed him, tries to trick him into eating. He eats less, but he does more drugs than ever. Kyung can feel the change in his eating habits - it’s far too easy to trace his ribs and his sharp hipbones sometimes crash into Kyung’s and make him grimace.

Things keep spiraling down for a year and then, finally, Minhyuk contacts Jiho’s parents. It only makes things worse, because Jiho’s parents were never the most caring ones in the first place. Kyung thinks they do somehow still love their son, but all they do when they’re made aware of his addiction is lock him up in a rehab and turn their backs on him. Kyung is left to deal with a sobbing Jiho over the phone.

In the end, Kyung puts himself in the rehab as well, if only because he wants, needs, to be close to Jiho.

Jaehyo calls them once a week and updates them on what is happening. Yukwon starts taking drugs again and this time he pulls Minhyuk down with him. Jaehyo only does alcohol, but he sometimes seems as gone as Minhyuk and Yukwon.

Jiho starts laughing like a madman in the middle of one of their conversations one day.

“I’ve dragged us all down, haven’t I?” he says when all Kyung does is look at him as if he’s gone crazy. When Kyung finally gets what he means, he starts laughing as well.

They pretend to be good boys so they can be let out quicker and the first thing Yukwon does when they meet is to offer them drugs.

Jiho starts cutting a week after they’re let out. Kyung is not surprised and does nothing to stop it. All he does is attach his lips to Jiho’s arms when he’s done and suck it all up. It tastes horrible, scrapes his throat, and Jiho laughs when he tells him so.

“You’re all so fucking fucked up,” Jaehyo says one night. Yukwon and Minhyuk are making out on the floor, Jiho is smoking next to them and Kyung is… Kyung is lying across the couch and laughing lazily at everything and everyone. Jaehyo is sitting on the couch with Kyung’s legs across his lap, drinking vodka straight from the bottle.

“Says the drunkard,” Yukwon retorts and then moans at something Minhyuk does with his tongue. Kyung and Jiho laughs like hyenas. Jaehyo groans in exasperation.

Jiho only really laughs when Jaehyo and Yukwon and Minhyuk are around, Kyung realizes, maybe a little belatedly. When he’s with Kyung, he snorts and he smirks, but he never laughs. But Kyung doesn’t really laugh either, so it doesn’t really matter.

Hell breaks loose when Jiho’s brother finds out and tells Kyung’s parents. Taewoon was the only one in Jiho’s family who ever really cared and when he hears about his little brother’s depression and addiction, he naturally reacts with anger. Kyung’s parents beg him to come back, but Kyung stands firmly just behind Jiho who is yelling at his brother to get the fuck out.

When the trio finally leaves, realizing it’s not use, Jiho breaks down and Kyung has to comfort him. Comfort in their world means sex and drugs and more sex with some cutting in between. Kyung knows they’re fucked up, knows they need to stop. He also knows the only way this ever will stop is when either of them dies or get themselves landed in the hospital, whichever occurs first.

Taewoon and Kyung’s parents don’t give up after the first time, of course they don’t. The second attack takes place right after Yukwon has gotten hold of some more drugs and the four of them - Minhyuk, Yukwon, Jiho and Kyung - are busy getting high. Jaehyo answers the door and tries to keep them outside, but he doesn’t succeed when Taewoon hears a whoop from the living room.

There’s no yelling this time. There’s menacing laughter and tears and hurt, but no one yells. Jiho grabs Kyung by the neck and smashes their lips together in the middle of a rather flawless argument from Taewoon and Kyung’s mother lets out a little, high-pitched sound that makes Kyung laugh into Jiho’s mouth. His laugh quickly morphs into a moan because, God, Jiho knows exactly what to do with his tongue to get Kyung all wound up and Kyung’s parents are the first to leave. Taewoon tries to pry Jiho off Kyung for a little while longer, but leaves when he realizes they won’t stop no matter what he does.

The third time Taewoon attempts to get his brother back, the apartment is empty and unlocked and he stumbles upon an unconscious Minhyuk. Whatever arguments he might have had disappears in chaos that erupts when he calls the first number in Minhyuk’s phone -Yukwon - after having made sure Minhyuk was safe on the way to the hospital.

Yukwon, of course, panics and pulls Jiho and Kyung out of their respective classes without telling their teachers what is going on. They run to the hospital and arrive just in time to hear the doctor tell Taewoon that Minhyuk will be fine.

They’re a bit more careful after that and Jaehyo makes sure to keep an eye on all of them so nothing similar can happen again.

Then Jiho starts getting better. He starts eating properly and he’s smiling a bit more and when Kyung realizes he can no longer trace his ribs without putting a little bit of force behind his touches, he thinks that maybe, maybe they can make it out of this without a tragedy.

Of course he’s wrong.

“I want to die,” Jiho whispers one night when he’s moving above Kyung, hitting his spot straight on and eliciting little mewls and sighs from his mouth. “But it doesn’t seem like I can.”

Kyung rakes his nails down Jiho’s back, splitting the skin as he arches his back and lets out a gasp. He forces his eyes open to meet Jiho’s gaze. Both their eyes are as dark as the other’s, liquid black in the dark of the room.

“Why not?” he breathes and Jiho laughs shakily, closing his eyes briefly and leaning his head back.

“You,” he moans and bites his lip so hard a little trickle of blood runs down his chin when he comes. Kyung thinks about it when Jiho collapses next to him, tracing invisible patterns on his skin that makes his breath hitch.

“Let’s die together then,” he mouths against Jiho’s shoulder and they do just that.

genre: au, fandom: block b, pairing: zico/kyung, fanfiction: oneshot, genre: angst, rating: nc-17

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