
Feb 04, 2012 00:18

Title: Chaotic
Author: mystery
Pairing: Yongguk/Zelo, maybe-some-unintended-ninja!pairings
Rating: PG... -13
Genre: Crack (I hope), romance/fluff
Disclaimer: If I owned them, there’s no way in hell I’d write this half-assed shit about them. I’d film them 24/7.
Warning(s): Some implications... just some vague ones.
Summary: Himchan and Yongguk went grocery shopping and trusted the boys to take care of themselves. Ten minutes was all it took.
Author’s Note: ... Idek. This is a 100% random all the way through. I didn't even plan to have the Yongguk/Zelo in this. ESPECIALLY NOT THE END. It's past midnight and I had a lot of sugar today, okay.
Fanfiction Masterlist


They were just going grocery shopping. Really, what could four teenage boys do in the span of ten minutes, Yongguk thought when he brought Himchan along to go grocery shopping.

A lot, apparently. When the two oldest members came back, the shoes that were previously put neatly in line were scattered all over the hallway - and that was just a first glimpse of what was to come when they stepped further into the dorm.

“NOOOO!” Yongguk recognized the voice as Zelo’s and winced a little at the volume of it. “NOT MY CHOCOLATE!”

Himchan and Yongguk shared a worried glance as they toed their shoes off and hesitantly made their way further into the dorm, slowly reaching the kitchen. Yongguk’s eyes went wide as saucers.

Zelo was wrestling with Daehyun on the floor, trying to wrench a bar of chocolate from his hands. A bar of chocolate Yongguk hadn’t even known they had.

“Give it to me!” Zelo yelled and Daehyun made a noise in between a laugh and a pained grunt as Zelo shoved his bony knee with all force he could muster into the other’s ribs.

All the sweet things in the dorm were on the table; there was jar of strawberry jam, some candy (again, stuff that Yongguk hadn’t known they owned), what looked like a half-eaten cinnamon bun and a bowl with a sticky mess in it. Yongguk thought it looked like suspiciously like syrup mixed with something impossible to identify. There was also some butter and some bread, probably so they’d have a reason to use the strawberry jam.

Knives and spoons that had been used to get butter and jam were lying all over the table; Yongguk even spotted a few on the floor. He grimaced at the marks of sticky substance they’d leave. There was something that looked like butter on the window and how it had gotten there was more than Yongguk could comprehend.

“It’s my chocolate!” Zelo shouted, still wrestling with Daehyun on the floor. Zelo had strawberry jam and a feather (Yongguk did not want to know where it came from) in his hair and Daehyun was only wearing his boxers. Again, Yongguk did not want to know.

“Now it’s mine!” Daehyun yelled back, sticking his tongue out at the younger. Zelo looked about ready to cry.

“IT ISN’T!” he screamed from the top of his lungs. “IT’S MINE! MINE, MINE, MINE!”

Daehyun just laughed and Yongguk was about to wrench the chocolate from his hands and give it to Zelo, because the youngest really was crying now, but then he felt a tentative hand on his arm and looked up at a worried-looking Himchan.

“Come look,” Himchan muttered, not loud enough to gain the attention of the wrestling boys on the floor. Yongguk sighed and allowed Himchan to lead him into the living room - where he froze in position, face drained of all color and eyes wide.

Now he knew where that feather in Zelo’s hair came from.

There were pillows and feathers and broken pillows all over the living room. At some point, someone had knocked down a vase which had luckily not broken, but spread its contents in form of water and a flower bouquet over the floor. As the bouquet contained a few roses and it seemed someone had stepped on it, Yongguk could only hope no one had gotten the thorns in their feet. On the other hand, he supposed that would just serve them right.

“Ten minutes,” he growled under his breath. “We were gone for ten minutes.”

A howl in the direction of their shared bedroom interrupted Himchan before he got the chance to say anything.

“Fuck!” Jongup yelled and Yongguk decided to let that one slip in the language pass. It was nothing compared to the destruction of the dorm.

“It hurts, Yongjae, it hurts!” Jongup howled. Oh. It seemed like Jongup had been the victim of the rose thorns. Yongguk sighed and moved to the bedroom, but stayed in the doorway to watch.

Jongup was sitting on one of the two double beds (Yongguk was lucky enough to have a bed of his own, but he rarely got it to himself) with one of his feet stretched out in front of him, the other on the edge of the bed. Yongjae was holding the outstretched foot as he carefully inspected it, tongue between his lips. There was blood on his fingers and Yongguk guessed he was trying to locate and pull out a thorn.

“I know it hurts, Jongup,” Yongjae patiently informed the wounded one. “Let me just… ah, there it is!”

Yongguk was about to tell him to grab a pincer before he tried to remove anything, but turned his attention back to the kitchen when there was a victorious yell from Daehyun and a devastated shriek from Zelo. The leader gave Himchan a you-take-care-of-this look and went to go into the kitchen.

He found Daehyun happily munching on the chocolate, smearing it all over his cheeks in the process, and Zelo watching while sobbing. Daehyun even had the nerve to smirk at Zelo while he was eating. Yongguk clenched his fists.

“Daehyun, give him the chocolate,” he said, deep voice stern. Both boys froze and stiffened, then slowly turned to look at Yongguk with wide eyes, but as where Zelo’s eyes were innocent and teary and made Yongguk’s heart skip a beat, Daehyun’s were filled with guilt and fear.

“I said, give Zelo his chocolate back,” Yongguk repeated, even sterner. Daehyun quickly did as he was told. Zelo leaped up from the floor and latched himself onto Yongguk with a squeal.

“Thanks hyung, you’re the best!” he yelled, loud enough for Yongguk’s ears to almost bleed. Yongguk pushed the boy away from him but tried to smile at him.

“Yes, I know,” he replied, somewhat stiffly. “Now please tell me what happened while Himchan and I were gone.”

Zelo and Daehyun paled, then slowly started backing away from Yongguk.

“I-I didn’t do anything!” Zelo quickly defended himself, which only told Yongguk the opposite; Zelo was most likely one of the more guilty ones. “It was Daehyun-hyung’s idea!”

Daehyun glared at Zelo and the finger he was pointing at him and growled.

“What the fuck? I didn’t do anything! You were the one who started!” he shouted and threw himself onto Zelo, ready to start a new round of wrestling if only Yongguk hadn’t literally pulled him away from the youngest.

“We do not resort to violence, Daehyun, you know that,” he said. “Just tell me what happened.”

“I just wanted a sandwich with some strawberry jam on it…” Zelo mumbled, lower lip jutting out and trembling. Yes, Zelo might be guilty of the mess, but he would also be the one let off most easily. Yongguk cursed his attraction to the younger for the millionth time since he’d discovered it.

“And that strawberry jam went straight to his blood,” Daehyun added. Yongguk was barely listening anymore, focusing more on Zelo’s tears that were once again running down his face.

It wasn’t like his love was one-sided; Zelo and Yongguk were in a healthy relationship since two months back and everything was perfect. Or, well, as perfect as it could get. The other members had found out three weeks ago, but it was only because Jongup had started complaining that Zelo got away with everything while the others got away with nothing which in turn made Himchan very suspicious. It was true, Zelo did get away with almost everything, but Zelo also knew exactly how to use Yongguk’s love against him.

Like now, when he finally looked up at the older. Tears were making salty tracks along his face and his eyes were wide and innocent. His lower lip was trembling when he didn’t hold it firmly between his teeth and he was sobbing softly. Yongguk’s heart ached at the sight.

“H-hyung… P-please don’t be m-mad a-at me,” he sniffled and Yongguk fell forward, catching the younger in a hug. He couldn’t not do it, no matter how much he tried.

“Of course I’m not ma-“ Yongguk was cut off by a high-pitched shriek from Jongup. In a split second, he had released Zelo and was in the bedroom, where Jongup was jumping around on one foot, holding the other in his hand.

“Fuck you!” he shouted at Yongjae as the other started laughing at him. “I fucking hate you!”

“Get over it, whatever it is,” Yongguk said, “and start cleaning.”

Yongjae quit laughing, Jongup stilled (as much as he could while standing on one foot, swaying a little from the lack of balance) and Himchan crawled out from where he was hiding under the bed. Yongguk decided to not ask, and just accept the fact that Himchan had been hiding under the bed.

“Oh hi, hyung,” Jongup said, tentatively placing his bad foot back and grimacing at the pain that shot through it at the contact. He wisely kept quiet, because Yongguk looked like he was about to explode.

“We were just, um…” Yongjae said, staring at his feet and squirming uncomfortably.

“It was Zelo’s fault!” Jongup blurted, but quickly looked away when Yongguk glared at him.

“Get over it and start cleaning. Himchan will help,” Yongguk said, ignoring the way Himchan’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped open as he felt familiar arms encircle his waist.

“Zelo and I are going out on a date. Call when the dorm is back to its original state,” he instructed and simply left, dragging Zelo along.

A date meant Yongguk trying to convince Zelo to behave in a decent restaurant and Zelo whining about not having Yongguk to himself and making lewd implications no boy with such an innocent exterior should know.

Oh well. Zelo always knew how to use that adorable face of his, especially against Yongguk.

pairing: yongguk/zelo, genre: crack, rating: pg-13, fanfiction: oneshot, fandom: b.a.p, genre: romance

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