I'll Always Love You Too [part 2]

Dec 29, 2011 16:31

Two months passed, in which Hyukjae eventually forgave Donghae and the two moved back together and Sungmin slowly got himself back, even if it went slowly.

It took him a week of daily visits for him to start greeting Kyuhyun’s friends. It took him a bit longer to participate in a conversation, but eventually he even started one up himself. Everyone could see the pride radiating from Kyuhyun’s smile as he watched Sungmin happily chat away with Zhou Mi.

Once they’d started talking, it didn’t take very long for Zhou Mi and Sungmin to become best friends. Best friends to the extent that Kyuhyun sometimes got jealous. Sometimes he had to literally pull Sungmin away from Zhou Mi.

“Yah, Sungmin,” he said one day when Zhou Mi, Donghae and Hyukjae had come over for dinner, “I think I did something wrong, can you help me?”

Kyuhyun really wasn’t the type to cook. However, Sungmin didn’t answer. Kyuhyun sighed and stuck his head into the living room. He sighed again when he spotted Sungmin and Zhou Mi in one corner of the couch.

“Yah, yeobeo!” he shouted again, louder this time. Sungmin interrupted himself and looked up. “I think I ruined the dinner.”

Sungmin rolled his eyes even though he was grinning. Donghae had broken away from Hyukjae’s lips so he could laugh his ass off.

“How did you survive when I wasn’t here?” Sungmin asked as he passed Kyuhyun into the kitchen.

“Um, takeout?” Kyuhyun suggested as he followed. Sungmin gave a gigglesnort.

“Sweetheart, takeout isn’t healthy,” Sungmin gently chided as he proceeded to try to save their dinner.

“I know! But would you rather I died of food poisoning while waiting for you?”

Sungmin giggled at Kyuhyun’s failed pout and kissed his cheek.

“No, I suppose not.”

Even if Sungmin was still afraid of too much physical contact and didn’t like baring himself to Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun was okay with that. He knew that if he pushed the older, all of it might just go the wrong way. Patience was the key. Patience and love. So Kyuhyun waited.

And his waiting paid off, even if it took three whole months.

“Ah, Kyuhyun,” Sungmin whined one evening while they were watching some stupidly romantic movie that neither of them really liked. “Can you give me a back massage? My muscles are really tense…”

“Sure,” Kyuhyun said with a smile. Sungmin sent him a grateful smile and laid down on his stomach, pulling his shirt up so Kyuhyun would have better access to his skin. Kyuhyun gasped.

“What did he do to you,” he whispered as he sat down on the back of Sungmin’s upper thighs, leaning forward to whisper in Sungmin’s ear as he began massaging him. Scars were littered across Sungmin’s back and although they might not be very many… they hurt. Kyuhyun’s heart ached by just looking at them.

“I told you,” Sungmin muttered into the couch. “And I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to forget it.”

Kyuhyun didn’t say anything as he placed a kiss on Sungmin’s nape in apology. Sungmin slowly started to relax as Kyuhyun’s hands worked their magic and within half an hour, Sungmin was fast asleep.

“Kyuhyun-ah,” Sungmin said suddenly one night a few months after that, “can you please show me that sex can still be pleasurable?”

Kyuhyun quickly sat up from where he’d been sitting with his head in Sungmin’s lap, eyes wide. Sungmin blushed and looked away, cutely biting his lower lip before he spoke again.

“I’ve wanted to ask for a while now, but I’m really scared it’ll just… hurt,” he whispered the last word. Kyuhyun sighed softly and grabbed Sungmin’s chin, moving in to kiss him.

“I’ll be gentle,” he whispered he murmured into Sungmin’s mouth. Sungmin succumbed to his ministrations and opened his mouth with a sigh, allowing Kyuhyun to dominate the kiss.

“I can even bottom if you want to,” Kyuhyun gently offered as he lifted Sungmin up and started carrying him to the bedroom. Sungmin wound his arms and legs around the younger on instinct as he laughed at his words.

“That’d just be weird. Before… that… We’d been together for how long, six years? And during all that time, you never bottomed.” Sungmin leaned in for a quick, playful kiss. “No, it’d just feel weird to top.”

Kyuhyun chuckled but didn’t say anything in reply as he preferred gently putting Sungmin down on the bed and proceeding to kiss him senseless. When Sungmin whimpered into the kiss and pulled away to breathe, Kyuhyun started trailing kisses all over his face and down his neck. He chuckled as Sungmin gave a moan when he sucked on that spot by his ear.

“Still as sensitive as ever, I see,” he murmured into Sungmin’s ear and the older gave a breathy giggle.

“Mm, maybe,” he replied. “But also no one’s touched me there in ages.” He paused to moan as Kyuhyun moved in to suck on his skin again. “Only you know about that spot.”

Kyuhyun said nothing as he shifted above Sungmin to once again press his lips against the other’s in a tender yet passionate kiss that left them both even more breathless than they already were.

“I love you,” Kyuhyun breathed, for no particular reason. Sungmin grinned.

“I know,” he replied. Kyuhyun pouted, faking disappointment. Sungmin giggled. “I love you too.”

Kyuhyun smiled in satisfaction and leaned in for another quick kiss before he once again started moving down Sungmin throat, pausing to suck a purplish mark into his collarbone. He stopped when Sungmin started wriggling uncomfortably underneath him, but he was proud of his work nonetheless.

A loud keen escaped Sungmin’s throat as Kyuhyun opened his shirt and reached his nipples - even if he wasn’t doing anything but letting his hot breath ghost over the already hard nubs. Sungmin keened again as Kyuhyun moved closer to his skin, letting his tongue slip out of his mouth and teasingly glide over Sungmin’s left nipple while his fingertips gently stroked its twin.

“Kyu, just-“ Sungmin cut himself off with a gasp as Kyuhyun let his teeth graze over the nipple mere millimeters from his mouth.

“Do this?” he suggested, voice deep with lust. Sungmin let out a sound from the back of throat and arched his chest up towards Kyuhyun. The younger chuckled but took the hint as he lowered his head the few millimeters needed to latch his mouth onto the nipple that so desperately craved attention.

Sungmin moaned. Kyuhyun pinched his other nipple. Sungmin stilled. Kyuhyun looked up, eyes wide.

“I’m sorry Min,” he said as he moved back up to place another gentle kiss on Sungmin’s lips. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think.”

“It’s okay,” Sungmin said, but his voice was as shaky as his smile. Kyuhyun shook his head and leaned his forehead against the other’s, looking deep into his eyes.

“It’s not okay. I hurt you. That’s not okay. Now tell me what you want, whether it be something else in bed or hot chocolate I don’t care, and I’ll give it to you,” he murmured. Sungmin grinned and tilted his head for a quick, chaste kiss.

“Okay,” he said before he pursed his lips, furrowing his brow as though he was thinking hard. Kyuhyun chuckled, because he could see in Sungmin’s eyes that he had already decided what he wanted. “I want a blowjob, pretty please with a cherry on top?”

“A blowjob it is,” Kyuhyun grinned and gave Sungmin another quick kiss before he slithered down his body, palming his erection.

“My, my, how long have you thought of this really?” he teased, chuckling as he looked up to see Sungmin blushing.

“I-I… A month maybe? I kept getting we-wet dreams about you a-and…” Sungmin trailed off. Kyuhyun chuckled at his silly lover but kept his mouth shut in favor of ridding the older of his pants. Once they were off, he leaned down to mouth at the bulge in Sungmin’s boxers, making Sungmin’s breath hitch.

They both startled when the phone called. Sungmin groaned in annoyance but reached out for the phone, putting it on loudspeaker as he answered it.

“Hey Sungminnie!” Kyuhyun grimaced; it was Zhou Mi. “Wanna go out or something? To the park? Amusement park? Buy some ice cream? Shop?”

“Not today, Zhou Mi,” Sungmin said, quite breathlessly as Kyuhyun found the conversation nothing short of boring and decided to make it more interesting by sucking Sungmin’s length through his boxers.

“Why not? Are you okay? You sound kind of…” Only Zhou Mi could fire off about two million and one different questions in less than a minute.

“I’m okay- oh.” Kyuhyun could barely resist the temptation to chuckle in triumph.

“Are you sure? I can come over and check on you if you want to. Isn’t Kyuhyun there?”

“Yes, Kyuhyun’s here.”

“Let me talk to him.”

“I’d rather you didn’t, actually,” Sungmin protested.

“Why not?” Fuck Zhou Mi and his curiosity.

“He’s kind of, um, busy.”

“Busy? Busy not taking care of you or what?”


“Then what?” Sungmin sighed, realizing Zhou Mi would never give up.

“Actually we’re both kinda busy. I’ll call you later,” he tried.

“Why didn’t you just say so?”

“I don’t know? It could’ve been important!”

“Oh well, is there anything I can help with?”

“Zhou Mi,” Sungmin said as he finally gave in. “We’re kinda busy-ah with trying to revive our sex life. Can I please call you later and don’t come over, okay?”

“… Oh.” This time, Kyuhyun did chuckle and Sungmin let out a barely suppressed keen. “Well, I… I’ll um, see you tomorrow or something then, bye.”

“Shit, get this off me, Kyuhyun!” Sungmin whined as soon as the click indicating that Zhou Mi had hung up sounded, tugging desperately at his boxers. Kyuhyun grinned but did as he was asked to and pulled them off Sungmin’s perfect legs, throwing them away in some corner.

“Mm,” he hummed as he let his lips skim over the sensitive skin of Sungmin’s cock. “It’s been too long since I saw you naked. Still as perfect as ever. Maybe I’ll try bottoming some day in the near future anyway.”

Before Sungmin could retaliate, Kyuhyun took as much of Sungmin into his mouth as he could at once. Sungmin could only moan, arching his back slightly. Kyuhyun held his hips down, just to make sure Sungmin wouldn’t suddenly buck up and choke him. In the past he had been able to take Sungmin in fully when he did that, but he’d always been on the receiving ends of blowjobs when he was Zhou Mi - he’d simply refused to give the other head.

“Unh, Kyu. Your mouth,” Sungmin groaned. Kyuhyun smirked around his mouthful as he moved down carefully until he felt that he definitely couldn’t take more in. He wrapped his hand around what he couldn’t fit in his mouth and stroked it in time with the bobbing of his head.

“Shit,” Sungmin breathed. “If you don’t stop soon I’m going to come. I don’t want that.”

Kyuhyun reluctantly pulled off, pausing a moment at the head to tongue the slit. Sungmin nearly screamed at him for that and Kyuhyun chuckled when he pulled off.

“Relax, baby,” he murmured as he slid back up to kiss Sungmin properly again. “I’ll make you feel good.”

When they parted for air, Sungmin pushed at Kyuhyun’s shoulders until the younger got the hint and rolled over on his back. Sungmin straddled his thighs, smiling like the sun.

“I want to be on top,” he said simply and Kyuhyun smiled back.

“Okay, sunshine. Now undress me, my pants are getting quite uncomfortable.”

Sungmin giggled and did as he was told, pulling on Kyuhyun tshirt until he sat up and allowed Sungmin to pull it over his head and discard it on the floor. Sungmin dragged his hands across Kyuhyun’s chest, making him shiver as he stopped just for a moment longer by his nipples.

“You’re perfect,” Sungmin mumbled under his breath. Kyuhyun chuckled, discreetly trying to get Sungmin to shift his attention to his jeans by grinding his hips upwards. Sungmin rolled his eyes at the younger, but he was smiling so Kyuhyun didn’t take it very seriously.

Kyuhyun gave an appreciative groan as his jeans came off along with his boxers. Sungmin took his length in his hand, stroking it slowly as he stared at it.

“I’d almost forgotten how big you are,” he said lowly, something akin to awe in his voice. Kyuhyun gave a breathless laugh.

“Yeah? Want it in you?” Sungmin whined at his words. “Lube’s in the first drawer in the nightstand, on the right side.”

Sungmin stared at him and Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows.

“What? Am I not allowed to have lube?” he asked. Sungmin sighed and reached for said drawer.

“Of course you are. I just wondered what you used it for. Other guys?” he said lowly. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.

“The only ‘other guy’ I’ve ever slept with was Zhou Mi and he had his own lube. No actually, I…”

Sungmin, who had gotten hold of the lube and was on his way back to Kyuhyun, froze.

“You fingerfucked yourself?” he asked. He moaned when Kyuhyun nodded. “Shit, that’s so hot.”

“Mm. Do you want to stretch yourself or do you want me to do it?” Kyuhyun asked, running his hands along Sungmin’s sides. Goosebumps rose in his wake. Sungmin tilted his head to the side for a moment.

“I want you to do it,” he whispered finally and gave the lube to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun carefully coated three of his fingers in the slippery substance and coaxed Sungmin into lying atop him.

“Are you sure?” he asked as he trailed his hand towards Sungmin’s ass. “It’s still not too late, you know. I can bottom or you can back out altogether. I don’t want you to force yourself to do something you’re not ready to.”

Sungmin bit him. Hard.

“Just do it already, idiot,” he said softly when he let go of Kyuhyun’s skin. Kyuhyun decided it’d be safer not to comment on it and pushed the first finger past the ring of muscles that formed Sungmin’s entrance. Sungmin whimpered, burying his face in Kyuhyun’s neck.

“You okay, sweetie?” Kyuhyun asked, pausing momentarily.

“God, I missed your fingers,” Sungmin whispered and Kyuhyun took that as his cue to continue, slowly pulling his finger out before pushing it back in, wriggling it around a little.

“Another,” Sungmin mumbled rather soon. “I’m not made of glass.”

Kyuhyun added another finger without question. Sungmin whimpered again and Kyuhyun wanted to pause, but Sungmin bit him again, so he continued. He scissored his fingers as he pulled them out and circled them when he pushed in, trying to find Sungmin’s sweet spot.

He crooked them slightly and Sungmin gave a shameless, loud, needy moan. Kyuhyun smirked in triumph.

“Found it,” he murmured and Sungmin shivered at the tone of his voice. Kyuhyun continued to tease the other’s prostate for a few moments before he added the last finger.

He pulled them out altogether when Sungmin started pushing back onto them, moaning shamelessly all the while.

“Ready for the real thing, babe?” Kyuhyun asked. Sungmin sat up straight and Kyuhyun swore he could’ve come from the look on Sungmin’s face alone; his hair was disheveled, eyes half-lidded and dark with lust and his lips were red from all the biting he’d done on them and slightly parted.

“Oh God, you’re so sexy,” he choked out instead. Sungmin chuckled and reached for the lube that was now lying next to Kyuhyun’s head.

“So are you,” he said and Kyuhyun found himself unable to retaliate as Sungmin lathered his length with the lube, stroking him a few times in the process. He might’ve said something when Sungmin stopped if the image of his lover hovering above him wasn’t enough to make every coherent thought in his head fly out the window with a boom.

“Ready, Kyu?” Sungmin breathed and Kyuhyun nodded, unable to say anything. He reached out to grab Sungmin’s hips, steadying him as the older lowered himself on Kyuhyun’s cock.

“Shit,” Sungmin breathed, pausing halfway. “I forgot how good this is. I love your cock.”

“More than you love me?” Kyuhyun couldn’t resist teasing. Sungmin laughed, but it was breathless as he lowered himself fully onto the length within him.

“No, not more than I love you.”

Sungmin leaned forward to connect his lips with Kyuhyun’s once the younger’s cock was fully sheathed inside him.

“I missed this so much,” he whispered right before he lifted himself nearly fully off the length, only to drop right back down, letting out a loud moan as he did so. Kyuhyun was unable to say anything at all as Sungmin rode him, slowly at first but soon picking up the pace. He could only watch between half-lidded eyes as moans and incoherent sentences about Sungmin’s perfection fell from his slightly parted lips.

“Kyuhyun,” Sungmin moaned as he found just the right angle for Kyuhyun to hit his prostate with each downwards movement from his hips. “Oh God yes, Kyuhyun, so good…”

He leaned back slightly, grabbing Kyuhyun’s thighs for support as he picked up the pace even further, shameless needy moans and screams falling from his mouth as he bounced on Kyuhyun’s cock.

“So close,” he moaned and Kyuhyun had just enough sense left in his mind to grab Sungmin’s cock, jerking him off somewhat in tune with Sungmin’s up and down movements.

“Kyuhyun! Oh God, I love you, Kyuhyun!” Sungmin moaned right before he came, staining his chest and Kyuhyun’s hand with his come.

The sight and feeling of Sungmin coming was enough to push Kyuhyun over the edge and he pushed his hips up once, twice, before he came, filling Sungmin up with his seed.

Sungmin collapsed on top of him, breathing heavily.

“I love you too, Sungmin,” Kyuhyun murmured once he’d regained the ability to control his tongue’s movements. He wanted to stroke Sungmin’s hair, but he was pretty sure he couldn’t move his arm enough to do so. Sungmin giggled tiredly as he told him this.

“I’ll always love you, Lee Sungmin.”

“I’ll always love you too, Cho Kyuhyun.”

genre: au, genre: drama, pairing: kyuhyun/sungmin, rating: nc-17, genre: smut, genre: romance, fandom: super junior, fanfiction: oneshot, genre: angst

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