Title: Rooms
Author: Mystery
Rating: PG-13 (?)
Genre: Drabble, AU
Disclaimer: If I owned them, there’s no way in hell I’d write this half-assed shit about them. I’d film them 24/7.
Warning(s): vague implications of... I'm not even sure about that.
Summary: A room. How is it possible for a room to contain so much, even though it’s completely empty, naked?
Author’s Note: This was originally something I wrote in Swedish class and the original thing can be found
here. When I got home, I decided to translate it and change some things and voilá - a Kyu-centric drabble!
A room. How is it possible for a room to contain so much, even though it’s completely empty, naked? As Kyuhyun stood in the doorway of the room he’d lived in until he was eighteen, images flashed through his mind at an amazing speed. His laugh echoing against the walls, his sister’s warm smile, his mother singing him to sleep, her voice reminding him of runny honey. He even thought he could hear himself calling out desperately for her on the day she disappeared.
His memory of what the room looked like only a few years ago was crystal clear; three walls painted as blue as the sea, the fourth black as the darkest night. The ceiling had been white and covered with glow in the dark stars. The curtains had been a transparent white as they fluttered gently in the breeze coming in through the open window. The bedspread his mother made had been an innocent white as well, and there had been a desk he never used for anything else than having somewhere to put the heaps of books he never read.
But then everything changed. The glow in the dark stars fell from the ceiling, like a crashing airplane; the sound they made when they hit the floor was just as deafening. The blue walls were splattered a precious red. The curtains were ripped to pieces and the bedspread that had once symbolized innocence instead became a symbol of sin and fear.
He heaved a deep sigh as he turned around to leave. There was nothing here except pain, fear and memories of deeds so cruel it gave him cold shivers just to think about it. It was etched into the walls.
He didn’t need it anymore.
Sungmin gave him a relieved smile as he came out shaking his head.
“There’s nothing there,” he assured the older. “Nothing for me, anyway.”
“That’s good,” Sungmin whispered as he stood on his tiptoes to reach Kyuhyun’s lips. “Now let’s go, this place gives off a creepy feeling.”