
Sep 29, 2011 12:46

Title: Fairytale
Author: Mystery
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: KyuMin
Genre: Angst, romance... crack?
Author's Note: Written in school, on my phone. I was bored, okay?

Kyuhyun eyed the begging creature with a disgusted look on his face.
"Get off me," he demanded, his voice soft but ice-cold and hard as steel. The person clinging to his leg emitted a loud, pitiful sob.
"Please," the boy, because it was a boy, breathed. "Please, I'll do anything, everything. Just... Stay. For a little while. Please? I'll be better!"
Kyuhyun shook his leg to make the boy let go of him, but he only clung tighter.
"Sungmin," he said. "It seems you don't understand? I've met someone else. Now let go of me."
With one last heartbreaking sob, Sungmin let go of him to curl up in a ball on the floor and do his best to tell himself that it was all a bad dream.
A week later, a very pale, tired-looking Kyuhyun walked up to Leeteuk.
"Hyung, can I switch rooms with someone?" he asked, and Leeteuk frowned.
"I thought you were happy with Sungmin-ah?"
Kyuhyun swallowed hard and blinked away the tears welling up in his eyes.
"Manager-hyung said it could damage not only our careers, but us as people if it ever came out, and we were becoming more obvious, so I... I broke up with him, hyung. And now I need to switch rooms, because I can't take listening to him when he cries himself to sleep."
When he looked up to meet Leeteuk's eyes, he nearly backed away - rage was the most apparent feeling in his eyes, but there was also sadness in them. Then he surprised Kyuhyun greatly by enveloping him in a hug.
"I'll talk to manager-hyung," he mumbled in Kyuhyun's ear as he held him, letting him cry and cling to the leader like Sungmin had done with Kyuhyun a week prior, only without permission.
"You lying piece of SHIT!"
Siwon cringed as Sungmins's voice bounced off the walls of the dorm.
"You lied to me. I thought you didn't want me, that you had actually found someone else! I thought I'd done something wrong!"
As Siwon entered the kitchen, he was met with the sight of a beyond furious Sungmin who was punching Kyuhyun with all he had. He had to give Kyuhyun credit for not giving one single sound of pain, though.
The rest of the kitchen was frozen - Leeteuk with his spoon halfway to his mouth, Ryeowook spilling coffee all over the counter due to freezing in position while pouring it and Henry on the counter.
"I did it to protect you," Kyuhyun finally murmured. Sungmin let out a cry of rage and aimed a perfected-by-martial-arts kick at Kyuhyun's head. Luckily, the younger ducked just in time.
"To protect me? Well, you did the exact opposite, congratulations!"
Then he stormed out of the kitchen, Kyuhyun's lower lip trembling as he watched him go. It took a good three minutes until anyone moved, and then everyone moved at the same time.
Kyuhyun's face screwed up as he tried not to cry, Ryeowook swore under his breath before he set to wiping up te coffee he'd spilt, Henry jumped down from the counter to go after Sungmin and Leeteuk and Siwon moved towards Kyuhyun.
"He'll come round," Siwon said, putting one hand on Kyuhyun's shoulder. "Just leave him alone for a few days to take it in, then go talk to him. It'll be okay."
Leeteuk hummed in agreement and moved closer to hug Kyuhyun from one side, Siwon hugging him from the other.
Actually, Kyuhyun didn't have to talk to Sungmin. They were watching some stupid drama Heechul was obsessed with, when Kyuhyun felt a shockingly familiar body press against his own.
"I'm sorry," Sungmin whispered in his ear.
"Huh?" Kyuhyun asked, clearing his throat as it came out as a croak. "What for?"
"The bruises I gave you..."
"Oh. I-it's nothing."
"You sure? 'Cause the last thing I'd ever want is to hurt you. You know that right?"
Kyuhyun tried his best not to let his heart speed up, but failed miserably. He was sure Heechul, on the other end of the room and impossibly into the drama, could hear his heart beat - not to mention his breathing, which had sped up alongside his heartbeat.
"It most certainly didn't seem like that a few days ago," Yesung piped up and Siwon snorted, but didn't get the chance to say anything.
"Shhh, you guys! I'm trying to watch TV here!" an annoyed Heechul said. Siwon, Kyuhyun, Sungmin and Yesung all got up at the same time, so they could finish their conversation alone. It was best to stay out of the way of an annoyed Kim Heechul.
"So," Ryeowook, who'd been on the kitchen all the time, said, smirking. "Everything's back to normal?"
He nodded to the way Sungmin's hand was ghosting next to Kyuhyun's, just almost grasping it. Sungmin quickly snatched it back ad Kyuhyun resisted the urge to pout like a five-year-old.
"I'm not sure..." Kyuhyun mumbled. "Is it, Min?"
Sungmin visibly startled at the nickname Kyuhyun hadn't dare use for at least a month.
"I, uhm... You said you did it because manager-hyung told you our relationship wasn't good, but he... He talked to me yesterday, said he thought he'd made a mistake."
"Leeteuk-hyung spoke to him," Siwon mumbled, cautiously watching the ex-couple, hoping with all his heart that they'd get back together.
"Oh. Well, I just wanted you to know that... If you want me back... I'm available."
Siwon held his breath as Kyuhyun stared at Sungmin. He felt Ryeowooj next to him, equally as nervous, but Yesung seemed to be 100% calm.
Then, slowly, a wide grin spread on Kyuhyun's lips.
"Yeah," he whispered. "How could I ever want anyone else?"
Then, having seemingly forgotten, he leaned in to place his lips on Sungmin's. Siwon watched the kiss deepen, go from tender to passionate and back again, all the while trying his best to ignore the odd, squirming feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"They're perfect together, aren't they?" Ryeowook sighed in his ear, and Siwon startled, but nodded.
"Yeah. If I ever believed in a fairytale, it'd be theirs."
"Fairytale!" Sungmin exclaimed breathily as he finally pulled away from Kyuhyun. "That's it! Thanks Siwon."
With that, he pulled a not-at-all-protesting Kyuhyun from the kitchen and on the general direction of their bedroom. Siwon couldn't hold in his laughter as he heard Sungmin yell at Donghae, who'd gotten the room after Kyuhyun asked for a change.
"Donghae! Get out!"
"Huh? No! I live here."
"Do not."
"Do too!"
"Well, Kyuhyun's moving back in, so get your ass out of here."
"I'm staying."
"Whatever," Kyuhyun suddenly said, and then there was alarming silence, until...
A few seconds later, a scandalized-looking Donghae appeared in the kitchen, and Siwon doubled over as he could guess perfectly what had just happened - especially if Kyhyun's husky laugh was anything to go by, and the moans thy followed. 

fandom: super junior, genre: crack, rating: pg-13, fanfiction: oneshot, pairing: kyuhyun/sungmin, genre: angst, genre: romance

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