Two Times Maknae is Annoying and One Time he Helps

Jul 16, 2011 14:05

 Title: Two Times Maknae is Annoying and One Time he Helps
Author: Mystery
Rating: R
Genre: Romance, slight angst (?), humor
Disclaimer: If I owned them, there’s no way in hell I’d write this half-assed shit about them. I’d film them 24/7.
Warning(s): Mentions of sex, extremely slight TOP/CL, a very vaguely described handjob
Author’s Note: Uhm... When I read it through, I think it's kind of messy. I hope you enjoy it anyway! ^o^

”Hyung…” Seunghyun groaned. He’d been so close to falling asleep.

“Hyung, can I sleep with you?”

“I’d prefer if you didn’t, Ji.”

“Please, hyung?” The bed dipped on Seunghyun’s right and he sighed, rolling over so he was facing Jiyong.

“What,” he snapped, glaring at the younger even though he knew it was meaningless. Even if Jiyong could see it, against all odds, he never cared about Seunghyun’s glares.

“I had a nightmare,” he whispered, sounding so frightened that Seunghyun immediately melted and regretted his harsh words. He sighed again and moved a little to the side, making space for Jiyong.

“C’mere then. But please don’t talk my ears off. I need them, you know.” He felt rather than saw Jiyong’s huge smile as the younger crept down next to him, pressing ice cold feet against his legs. He chose not to say anything and instead pulled the smaller body closer to his own, hoping to make Jiyong stop shivering.

He actually fell asleep pretty quickly, which was a feat when lying next to a certain Kwon Jiyong, but woke up again a few hours later. At first he didn’t realize what woke him up, but then Jiyong moved again. The younger of the two was thrusting his hips against Seunghyun’s butt - and there was no doubt about the fact that he was hard.

Seunghyun stiffened, but the next time it happened Jiyong even moaned and Seunghyun decided to turn around. When it was done however, he regretted it - the new position caused Jiyong to hump against his own crotch. He looked down at Jiyong’s face, trying to make out his expression. It took a few moments to get his eyes adjusted, but then he could see Jiyong’s opened mouth and furrowed brows. His eyes were only half closed, but Seunghyun still guessed that he was having a wet dream, especially as he did not respond when Seunghyun called his name.

“Jiyong,” he said a little louder, nudging the younger. Jiyong just sighed something in his sleep, rolling over onto his back and trashing his head slightly, nearly knocking Seunghyun. “Jiyong!” He sat up and grabbed the younger’s arms, shaking him a little - and finally, Jiyong’s eyes flew open.

“You were dreaming.” Jiyong lay still for a few moments, breathing heavily and staring at Seunghyun. Then he winced and turned his head the other way.

“What…” He paused to clear his throat as his voice came out strangled. “What did I do?” Seunghyun also looked away as he felt his cheeks become bright red, even thought Jiyong couldn’t see it in the darkness.

“You uhm… You were moaning. And uh… kind of… dry humping me.” A small sound escaped Jiyong’s throat as the last bit reached his ears and squirmed in Seunghyun’s grasp.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to.” Seunghyun let go of him and lay down again.

“I know… I know you didn’t.” The biggest problem wasn’t actually what Jiyong had done or not done in his sleep - it was the effect it had on Seunghyun. They lay in awkward silence for a few minutes, until Seunghyun decided to muster up the courage to speak.

“You still…” he cleared his throat. “Yeah, you know?” Jiyong made another embarrassed sound.

“Yeah,” was all he said.

“You can… You know… Go take care of or something. I don’t care.”

“Uhm, no, I’m fine. Thanks.” They lay in silence for another eternity, until Seunghyun did something he never thought he would and rolled over so he was half-lying on top of Jiyong.

“Hyung, what are you doing?” Jiyong whispered, but Seunghyun didn’t answer as he brought one of his hands down to the hot, hard heat between Jiyong’s legs.

“Hyung! Stop it…” Jiyong whispered, although his breathing was quickly becoming heavier again.

“Sch,” Seunghyun mumbled against Jiyong’s throat, “I’m just helping you.” He felt Jiyong relax as he gave in and slipped his hand into Jiyong’s underwear.

A smug smirk spread on his lips as Jiyong’s breath hitched. He felt even smugger as Jiyong purred when he moved his head closer to suck on his neck.

It didn’t take long for Jiyong to come and when he did, it was with a shudder and a loud moan Seunghyun had to muffle with his own mouth.

“What did you kiss me for?” Jiyong panted just a few moments later, as he was coming down from his high.

“Didn’t see any other way to shut you up. If I hadn’t, you might’ve woken the others up.

“Oh. Sorry.”

“Yeah. Can we sleep now?” He wiped his hand on the sheets (on Jiyong’s side) and lay down beside him again.

“Mm…” Jiyong was already half asleep as he turned onto his side and cuddled up to Seunghyun’s side.


Everything was back to normal in the morning, with the exception of Seunghyun, for once,  changing his sheets and Jiyong offering to do the laundry.

But somehow they didn’t manage to escape Seungri’s teasing when they entered the kitchen. Maybe it was because Jiyong was already wearing a pair of jeans shorts - nothing on his upper half, which Seunghyun found kind of distracting - instead of his pajama.

“Did something happen tonight, hyung?” he asked, a teasing grin on his lip and one eyebrow raised. Seunghyun ignored him while Jiyong glared.

“Why would it have?”

“Well…” Seungri started. Seunghyun dumped himself on the chair opposite him and looked him straight in the eyes.

“Cut the shit, maknae.” Seungri blinked, staring at him.


“I said, cut the shit! It’s fucking annoying…” Then he stood up and left for his own room with his cup of coffee. He felt rather than saw the thankful smile Jiyong sent his way.


A few hours later, there was a knock on his bedroom door. He hadn’t exited the room since this morning, except for going to the bathroom.

“Hyung?” Jiyong’s voice said. “I got your sheets cleaned.” Seunghyun got up to open the door for the younger, and then proceeded watching him as he made Seunghyun’s bed. To be honest, it was more like he was drooling over Jiyong’s ass when he bended over… But he wouldn’t admit that, ever.

Suddenly Jiyong turned to him and Seunghyun quickly looked up - just not quick enough, if the look on Jiyong’s face was any indication.

“Choi Seunghyun, were you checking out my ass?” he said, only slightly teasing.

“I, uh…” Seunghyun muttered, cursing to himself as he felt a blush rise to his cheeks. “I guess.” To his surprise, Jiyong laughed.

“At least you admit it,” he said with a grin, “unlike certain maknaes.” He paused for a moment, tilting his head to the side. Then he meets Seunghyun’s eyes, once again grinning. “How does it look then? Is it good?” To Seunghyun’s horror, Jiyong turned around to wriggle his ass at him.

“I, uh… yeah. Yeah, it looks good.” Jiyong turned back again, pouting this time.

“’Good’ isn’t good enough. Tell me how it looks,” he demanded and stupid as he is, Seunghyun obeyed.

“It’s gorgeous,” he said and Jiyong smiled, eyes twinkling with delight. “Delicious.” At his last word, Jiyong giggled, moving forward to place himself on the elder’s lap.

“Yeah? Yours isn’t so bad, either.” Seunghyun’s eyes widened at this.

“What?” he managed to get out, but didn’t come any further in his thinking as Jiyong wrapped his arms around his neck and leaned his forehead against Seunghyun’s. His eyes were so intense, so beautiful that Seunghyun nearly forgot breathing.

In the next second, there were lips against his own and he actually stopped breathing. Before he could choke though, the soft lips were gone along with their owner. Seunghyun turned his head and blinked dumbly at the door. What… was that?


In the following week, everything in Jiyong’s and Seunghyun’s relationship was turned upside down. Surely Seunghyun had wanted to be something more than just friends, even if it was best friends, for a while, but now he’s not so sure anymore. Everything is just confusing.

Sometimes, when Jiyong passes him, he’d grab his ass and squeeze. It was only a few days before Seunghyun got the hint and began doing the same thing. That is the one thing the other members never notice - it’s like a game of theirs; how long can they keep groping each other’s asses without any of the others noticing?

Apart from that, Jiyong kept sending him suggestive glances and grins, or he’d fool around and do overly seductive dance moves whenever they had a break in practice. On Friday night, he suddenly suggested they’d play strip poker.

“But, hyung!” Seungri whined. “That’s boring when there are only guys!” Jiyong raised an eyebrow at him.

“Yeah? Go invite the 2NE1-girls or something, then.”

Said and done, ten minutes later Dara, Bom, Minji and Chaerin had arrived, all unnaturally excited.

“So,” Jiyong spoke up and everyone in the room went silenced. “Since we’re so many, I think we should pair up in teams of three.”

“Nine isn’t so many…” Seungri muttered, but everyone ignored him.

“I’ll be in team with Seunghyun-hyung and Chaerin.” The two sat down on each side of Jiyong. “Seungri, Minji and Yongbae will be a team and then we have Bom, Dara and Daesung in one.” No one considered protesting, but that was only because Jiyong was using his leader voice - not to mention the glare he sent Dara’s way when she muttered something about being teamed with Bom.

“Look, hyung,” Minji laughed. “Even the noonas are scared of you!” Jiyong smiled contently, leaning back and flinging one arm over Seunghyun’s shoulder, the other over Chaerin’s.

About an hour later, half of them were drunk - the other half were making sure Minji was having fun as well, even though she wasn’t allowed to drink yet - and Jiyong was placed on half of Seunghyun’s lap, a giggling Chaerin on the other.

“Oppa,” she drawled, “why are you so good-looking?” Seunghyun didn’t say anything, just grinned at her and pulled her a little closer.

“Yah!” Jiyong turned around so suddenly that he almost hit Seunghyun in the face. “What are you doing, Chaerin-ah?” He sounded absolutely horrified - but seeing as Chaerin was actually kissing Seunghyun, he might have the right to be.

“Seunghyun’s mine!” He pushed the younger girl off of Seunghyun’s lap and the older man grimaced as the shove caused Chaerin’s nose to bump rather harshly into his own. “Mine, mine, mine!” Jiyong chanted, like a little child, before he proceeded to lean in press his own lips against Seunghyun’s.

Jiyong tasted of soju and cigarette smoke and something Seunghyun couldn’t identify, but it didn’t matter because the outcome was absolutely delicious. He closed his eyes out of instinct as Jiyong deepened the kiss, shoving his tongue into the other’s mouth without much finesse. He was vaguely aware of the other’s shouting, but he didn’t really care.

He let his hands wander down Jiyong’s naked back - he’d lost his shirt, belt and socks by now - to grab Jiyong’s ass. The other’s shouts became louder and the two finally broke apart.

“Hyung,” Jiyong breathed. “I think they noticed our groping.” Seunghyun couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yeah? I don’t care,” he mumbled against the younger’s shoulder. Then he stood up, wobbling a little, with Jiyong in his arms.

“Hyung!” the younger shrieked. “Jesus, be careful will ya! I thought you were gonna drop me…” This was punctuated by a punch to Seunghyun’s shoulder. The older was still mostly dressed because, during the ten minutes it took for the 2NE1 girls to come over, he’d prepared for the game and dressed in as many layers he possibly could without dying of a heat stroke.

“I’d never drop you, baby,” he said with a smirk before turning to the others; “Ladies and gentlemen… This one’s mine for the rest of the night.” Then he disappeared to his bedroom, closing and locking the door behind him.


Seunghyun woke up to the sound of throwing up but it took him a few moments to realize it was someone else who was vomiting.

“Hyung…” Jiyong’s voice was raspy and shaky and went straight to Seunghyun’s heart. “I kind of threw up on your floor.” The older opened his eyes to look at Jiyong. The younger looked even worse than Seunghyun felt - eyes bloodshot and half-lidded, eyebrows slightly creased and there was something which was probably vomit smeared on his dry lips.

“It’s okay,” Seunghyun said, his own voice hoarse from sleep. “I’ll make Yongbae clean it up…” Jiyong smiled at him, albeit a little shakily, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before he lay down next to Seunghyun.

“I feel like shit,” he said.

“Me too.”

They lay in silence until Seungri barged in with a loud “Good morning hyungs!” that made both of them groan.

“Is that smell… Vomit?”

“Yes,” Jiyong said. “Either you clean it up or get Yongbae to do it. Please?” Seungri disappeared and when he re-appeared after a few minutes, he had a grumpy looking Yongbae with him. A grumpy looking Yongbae who was holding a floor cloth and a bucket in his hand.

“Who threw up?” he asked, sounding just as grumpy as he looked.

“Jiyong,” Seunghyun said, without even bothering to open his eyes. “A very hung over Jiyong.” Jiyong just hummed in agreement.

A few minutes later, Yongbae’s annoyed sigh echoed through the room.

“A ‘thank you’ would be nice,” he said dryly.

“Thank you,” Jiyong and Seunghyun chorused.

“So…” As soon as Yongbae had exited the room, Seungri sat down on the edge of the bed - on Seunghyun’s side, to avoid the spot where Jiyong threw up. “What happened yesterday?”

“Always so nosy, maknae. Couldn’t you mind your own business for once?” Seunghyun said, but Jiyong obviously had other things to say.

“Seunghyun fucked me raw... twice,” he mumbled against mention man’s chest and Seunghyun had no trouble imagining the dreamy smile on Jiyong’s lips as he continued. “Hmm… It felt good.”

“Ew, hyung, I could’ve done without the details.” Jiyong ignored him, turning to Seunghyun instead.

“You know,” he whispered, “I can still feel you.” Despite Seungri’s sound of disgust, Seunghyun felt a jolt of excitement in his stomach.

“Yeah, baby? ‘s good, then?” Jiyong just hummed in affirmation and stuck his tongue out to lick Seunghyun’s nipple.

“Dude… I’m out of here!” Seungri said and the weight of him quickly disappeared from the bed as the youngest fled the room. Jiyong chuckled.

“That was more effective than I thought…” he mumbled. Seunghyun just hummed. “Up for a round three?”

“Seriously Ji, how huge is your sex drive?” Jiyong just laughed. “I would be, if I didn’t have such an all-consuming headache. And I doubt I could move right now without following your example and throwing up.”

“Oh, well. Want me to get you some aspirin and maybe that bucket Yongbae used to clean my vomit up?”

“That’d be nice of you.” Jiyong got up, butt naked, and wandered into the kitchen. Seunghyun chuckled to himself as he heard Seungri shriek something along the lines of ‘God, hyung, be careful of my innocence!’

A few minutes later, Jiyong returned to the bedroom - wrapped in a blanket Daesung had probably made him wear, for the sake of Seungri’s sacred ‘innocence’ - with the bucket in one hand, a glass of water and aspirin in the other.

“Here you go, hyung,” he said as he placed the bucket next to the bed and the glass with its aspirin on the bedside table before he simply shed the blanket and climbed over Seunghyun to reclaim his place next to the older.

“Thank you, sweetie.” Seunghyun sat up and began reaching for the glass, but nearly immediately had to lean over the bucket on the floor instead. The only thing that made it feel the least bit more durable was Jiyong’s hand stroking his back.

“You okay?” Jiyong mumbled against his shoulder when he straightened his back again.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.”


Since then, there were times when Jiyong came to Seunghyun to get rid of sexual frustration or the other way around, but they never really talked about it. Until one morning, Seungri once again opened his big mouth - but, amazingly enough, not to tease them.

“Hyung,” he said, looking and Seunghyun. “And hyung.” He moved his gaze to Jiyong. The two glanced at each other, shrugged and sat down on the opposite side of the table. “Really, this is becoming a bit annoying.”

“What is?” Seunghyun asked. Seungri rolled his eyes.

“You two. I mean, what are you? Fuck buddies or something? You know that you’re pretty loud, right?” Seunghyun put his head on the table so he wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment of meeting Seungri’s eyes and Jiyong flushed crimson.

“Are we?” he whispered.


“Oh… Sorry.”

“But that is not the annoying thing. The most annoying thing is that it’s so obvious that both of you wants so much more. It’s breaking Yongbae to hear Jiyong crying in the middle of night and I think all of us would appreciate a little more sober Seunghyun-hyung.” Seunghyun lifted his head so he could look at Jiyong. Did he cry at night?

“Jiyong…” he started, but the younger stood up and left the room. Seunghyun looked helplessly at Seungri, who shrugged.

“Go after him,” the younger suggested. Seunghyun quickly stood up and followed Jiyong to his room, but soon found that the door was locked.

“Jiyong?” he said, knocking on the door. “Could you please let me in? I want to talk to you.” There was a minute of silence and then he could hear the sound of someone walking and the lock clicking. He opened the door and was met with a teary-eyed Jiyong. Without saying anything, he embraced the other and pulled his smaller body close to his own chest.

“Hey… What’s wrong?” he mumbled into the younger’s hair. Jiyong didn’t say anything, just buried his face further into Seunghyun’s chest and cried harder, his body shaking with sobs. Seunghyun led him to the bed and sat down with Jiyong in his lap, rocking him back and forth until he stopped crying.

“Now you’ll tell me,” he said and lifted Jiyong’s chin to look into his eyes.

“What Seungri said… It’s true,” Jiyong mumbled. “I want to be more than relief of sexual frustration. I want to be… I want to be your boyfriend, someone you can call ‘honey’ and ‘sweetheart’ and whatnot. I want to be the first one to see you in the morning; I want to kiss you even if you taste like shit. I want you to buy me presents and take me on dates and whatever else couples do.” Seunghyun stared into Jiyong’s eyes for a few moments, before leaning in to kiss him.

“You can be all that, and a little more if you want to,” he whispered against Jiyong’s lips as they parted. A sigh escaped the younger’s lips before he pressed them against Seunghyun’s again.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you too, honey."

genre: crack, rating: pg-13, fandom: big bang, fanfiction: oneshot, pairing: g-dragon/top, rating: r, genre: romance

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