Always Together

May 18, 2011 08:07

 Title: Always Together [3/?]
Author: Mystery
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, fluff
Disclaimer: If I owned them, there’s no way in hell I’d write this half-assed shit about them. I’d film them 24/7.
Warning(s): None for this chapter, I think.
Author’s Note: Uhm... Yeah, stressed. Another morning, lol. Will be posting this to the gtop comm later.
Fiction Archive

Jiyong stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and just barely missing the edge of the table as he sat down on the nearest empty chair. He groaned and dropped his head down on his arms which were resting on the table, telling his brother to fuck off when he laughed at him.

“Such crude language, Jiyong” Jiseok said, sounding just as amused and awake and Seunghyun. Jiyong just groaned. “You act like you’re hangover.” Seunghyun laughed again and Jiyong finally lifted his head to glare at him. “Not really, but my ass fucking hurts.” He said and the smile was immediately wiped off of Seunghyun’s face, instead replaced with a worried expression as he stroked Jiyong’s cheek. “Was I too rough? I’m sorry” he said and Jiyong could feel a small pang of guilt. Maybe his words had been a little harsher than they needed to be. “No, I’m fine” he mumbled and leaned forward so that his head was on Seunghyun’s shoulder. “Just tired…” He was interrupted by a yawn. “Cranky…” Seunghyun chuckled again and lifted him up, so that he could sit on the chair with Jiyong in his lap. Jiseok studied them, his head leaned to the side.

“You’re cute” he said, pointing at the brothers before he sat down opposite of them. “So… How will you go on from here? Will you stay here?” Then he paused. “Although, I guess, if you chose to stay here, you’d be sexually frustrated sooner or later… And everyone knows sexual tension can be a bitch.” Jiyong blushed at the easy way Jiseok talked about sex, but was way too tired to do much else. The kitchen went silent. Jiyong could practically hear how hard Seunghyun was thinking. He couldn’t think of much else than the way Seunghyun smelled, how the skin of his throat felt against Jiyong’s forehead (warm, soft, safe), the smell of coffee and… Home. It felt like home. He felt safe and he never wanted to leave. He could almost forget that he was not at home, that his parents had shoved him away. Then the moment was gone.

“No” Seunghyun said, one hand coming up to trace patterns on Jiyong’s stomach. “No, I don’t think we can stay here.” Jiyong made a sound in his throat and since he was Seunghyun, he got the hint and slipped his hand underneath Jiyong’s shirt. A small smile spread on Jiyong’s lips for a moment and he released a contented sigh, relaxing fully. “I want to get as far away from here as possible.” That was when Jiyong opened his eyes, gazing up at his brother although all he could see was his jaw and a bit of his cheek. “What do you mean?” he asked and Seunghyun looked down, nearly smacking his nose with his chin. “I mean that if we stay we’ll eventually get caught. So we have to keep moving, keep going until we’re safe.” Seunghyun noticed the insecurity and fear in his eyes and leaned to kiss him.

“It’ll be okay. I promise” he whispered when they parted. Jiyong couldn’t do much else than nod. He trusted Seunghyun. “Aw. You’re just so cute together.” Jiyong could see Seunghyun’s dimples from the position he was in and then he just had to smile too. “But, listen,” Jiseok and the smile disappeared from Seunghyun’s lips. Jiyong closed his eyes again. “I’ve got an idea. You’re not that similar, it’s not like people go ‘oh, they’re brothers’ the moment they see you, right?” Seunghyun nodded. “So why don’t at least one of you change your last name? Then you can pass as best friends on the run.” It was silent for a few moments, and then Jiyong laughed. He opened his eyes and sat up straight, carefully avoiding knocking Seunghyun’s chin with his head. “You’re smart. I’ll change my name.”

An hour later it was decided that Jiyong’s new last name was Kwon. Kwon Jiyong. It sounded good. Almost better than Choi Jiyong, even though he’d miss sharing name with his brother. “Okay, so you better get ready, then. And I’ll know if you have shower sex!” Jiyong blushed as he figured Jiseok was joking about how he was so vocal, but Jiseok merely laughed as he noticed. “There’s nothing wrong with being vocal, Ji. People usually think it’s hot. Am I right, Hyung?” Jiyong could see that Seunghyun nodded from the corner of his eyes. “See?” But Jiyong only blushed more. Seunghyun smiled as Jiyong slowly inched towards him so that he could press himself against the elder’s side. “We won’t” he promised Jiseok and pulled Jiyong along to the bathroom. “I doubt Jiyong would appreciate that.” That sentence earned him a glare, but all possible annoyance ran off Jiyong like water on a goose when Seunghyun smiled at him. Let us just be happy.


When it was finally time to leave, Jiyong was close to tears. “I don’t wanna go!” he whined, and he knew he sounded like a stubborn six-year-old, but he couldn’t care less. He really didn’t want to go. Seunghyun grabbed his chin and tilted his head upwards so that he could look into his eyes. “I know that, sweetie, but we have to. Would you rather get caught by dad, or worse, the police?” Jiyong sighed, not caring that a tear fell from one of his eyes. “Okay, then” he muttered, melting just a little as Seunghyun leaned in to kiss the teardrop away. “But where will we go?” This time, it was Jiseok who put his hand on his shoulder and looked at him with a slightly sad smile. “I have some great friends who live not too far away from here. They own an apartment complex, and they let people live there, sometimes even without paying if they really need it. I gave Seunghyun the address. He’ll take you there and then you’ll be safe, okay?” Jiyong wasn’t sure if he should think it was annoying or reassuring that the two older boys spoke to him as if he was no older than eight. “Mmm. I’ll miss you, though” he mumbled, moving his gaze to the ground again. “Aw, I’ll miss you too!” Jiseok exclaimed and pulled him into a hug. Jiyong decided then that he really wouldn’t mind being eight again.

“Let’s go now, Ji” Seunghyun said softly and grabbed the younger’s hand with one of his, their bags with the other. “Bye Jiseok-hyung. See you some time.” Jiyong didn’t want to look back, he knew he’d just start crying then. So he opted for staring at his feet moving on the ground while biting his lip and blinking furiously to hold back the tears.

They walked in silence for a while, until Jiyong couldn’t stand it anymore. “Hyung” he said, looking up Seunghyun. “Yeah?” the older answered, looking at him with a small smile on his lips. “We’re still brothers, right?” Seunghyun’s eyes widened. “Of course! You’ll always be my little midget.” The smile on his lips widened to a grin as he let go of Jiyong’s hand to ruffle his hair. Jiyong giggled as he tried to unsuccessfully duck away and avoid Seunghyun’s hand. “Why are you asking?” Jiyong shrugged. “It feels kinda like we left the brother-thing behind. More like we’re just… Just lovers.” Seunghyun raised an eyebrow. “That’s not what you want?” Jiyong refused to meet his gaze. “It just kinda… Feels like… It feels like we’re less special in some way.” Seunghyun looped his arm around Jiyong’s shoulder and pulled him close. “We’ll always be special, Ji. Nothing can change that.”


When they reached the apartment complex Jiseok had been talking about, Seunghyun asked Jiyong to hold the bags for a while as he fished up a piece of paper from his pocket. Then he led the younger up three sets of stairs and finally stopped in front of a door which read Mr. & Mrs. Cho. Jiyong nearly laughed out loud. It was just one letter difference from Seunghyun’s name. His real name. The door opened just a few seconds after Seunghyun had rung the bell, by a pretty girl who seemed to be around Jiyong’s age.

“Uhm, hello? Who are you?” She asked. Jiyong grabbed Seunghyun’s hand. “Hi. My name is Choi Seunghyun and this is my… Best friend, Jiyong.” She raised an eyebrow. “Uhm, are your parents at home?” She turned around and shouted for her mom, who soon showed up. “Hello” she said, smiling at them. “I received a call from Jiseok just a few minutes ago. Are you Seunghyun and Jiyong?” Seunghyun nodded and Jiyong grabbed his hand even tighter. “We have one empty apartment at the highest floor. It’s rather small, but I hope you don’t mind. Come on, I’ll show you.” Jiyong could feel the girl’s eyes boring into his back as Mrs. Cho, he assumed, led them up the stairs. Then another set of stairs. And another and another and another. Jiyong was exhausted by the time they reached the top and Seunghyun laughed at him.

“Seems you need to exercise more, midget.” Jiyong just stuck his tongue out at him, but Mrs. Cho laughed as well. “So, here it is!” she exclaimed and opened the door, revealing a tiny but open and light apartment. Jiyong stared. “You don’t like it?” Mrs. Cho asked, obviously worried. Seunghyun looked worried as well when Jiyong glanced at him and he quickly shook his head. “No, it’s perfect! Looks a lot like the apartment from my dreams. Thank you, thank you so much!” he exclaimed, bowing 90 degrees. Mrs. Cho laughed again.

“Now, now, no need to thank me. I do take payment, though.” The smiles faded from the boys faces. “Only one kind of payment from such young boys - why didn’t you stay at home?” Jiyong hid behind Seunghyun - if he didn’t watch out, that would become a habit - who sighed and hung his head. The he walked inside the apartment, still with Jiyong attached to his shirt, and Mrs. Cho simply followed.

“My name is Choi Jiyong. This,” he gestured towards Jiyong, “is my little brother.” He paused, seemingly not finding his words. Mrs. Cho did it for him. “You don’t seem like brothers. And the fact that you introduced Jiyong as your best friend to my daughter, not as your brother, suggests something…” She paused as well, but then she sent them a smile. A smile which showed that she felt with them, for them. “I’m guessing incest.” Jiyong gaped. Seunghyun merely nodded and hung his head. “It’s okay. I won’t throw you out or call the police or your parents. I’ll keep your secret. I just wanted to know if you have a valid reason for not staying with your parents. Apparently you do.” Then she gestured towards the apartment. It was more like a big living room, with a separate kitchen and bathroom. There was a TV and a bed, and all the necessary things in the kitchen and bathroom.

“We provide you with food every week, you have two sets of towels and sheets. If you want something more than what is here, you’ll have to fix it yourselves. If there is anything special you need that you can’t fix on your own, don’t hesitate to ask us, alright?” Seunghyun nodded and Mrs. Cho smiled again. “Good. You know where to find me. Enjoy your new home, boys!” and so she was gone.

Seunghyun turned to Jiyong and smiled. “So… What do you feel like doing?” Jiyong gave a tired laugh. “Sleeping?” He chewed his lip in silence for a few moments and Seunghyun patiently waited, knowing he’d speak up when he was ready.

“I feel like cuddling, hyung…” Seunghyun couldn’t help but to grin. He’d been blessed with the cutest brother in world history, he was sure. Or maybe an angel… He put the bags on the floor and then grabbed Jiyong’s hand with one of his own, stroking his brother’s cheek with the others. “Of course, angel,” he said and lifted Jiyong up bridal style. “Yah! What are you doing!” he protested, although it was ruined by happy giggles. Seunghyun was smiling widely as he threw Jiyong down on the bed, throwing himself on top.

”Hmmm… This is nice” he said, inhaling Jiyong’s scent from his perfect position, face hidden in the crook of Jiyong’s neck. Jiyong laughed breathlessly and threaded his fingers in Seunghyun’s hair. “Yes,” he agreed. “I can’t breathe, though.” Seunghyun lay still.

“Oh” he said finally and rolled off the small body underneath him. “Sorry.” Jiyong turned onto his side and let his fingertips ghost over Seunghyun’s cheek, smile shining. “It’s okay. I don’t mind, really.” Then he sits up and Seunghyun misses his warmth for a moment before realizing he’s just taking off his shoes. Seunghyun doesn’t even have time to sit up and then his shoes are gone as well.

“Better like this, don’t you think?” Jiyong said as he lay back down. Seunghyun just smiled and pulled him close, as close as possible.

“Do you know how much I love you?” he whispered into Jiyong’s hair. Jiyong didn’t answer, just moved even closer to Seunghyun’s body, pressing a tender kiss to his collarbone.


He’s running, but he doesn’t know from what. Everything is shining, hurting his eyes, but when the shine fades he panics and runs even faster, screaming even. He knows something is hunting him and not knowing what makes him feel even more afraid. When he steps over the edge, he screams…

And then he’s staring into the not too solid darkness of his and Seunghyun’s room. He doesn’t understand where he is, but then he remembers as Seunghyun places his hands on his back.

“Did you have a bad dream?” He released a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding and nodded, relaxing into his brother’s hold. “Yeah… Yeah, I had a nightmare.” He told Seunghyun about the never-ending running, how he was hunted and the edge that appeared from nowhere leading to… He didn’t know what, but it’s most certainly not good. Seunghyun soothed him, promised he’d always be there and it’s to Seunghyun’s whispering voice that Jiyong fell asleep again.

When he woke up again, everything was bright. The walls were bright, as was the sun in his eyes. But brightest of all the bright things blinding his eyes was Seunghyun’s smile. Jiyong’s own lips formed a smile as he stretched his body and yawned hugely.

“Good morning, hyung” he said and Seunghyun’s smile widened even more, if that was even possible.

“Hey, sleepyhead, I made you breakfast.” Jiyong groaned lowly as he sat up. “What time is it?” Seunghyun shrugged. “I don’t know. Not early.” Then he laughed. “Why should we care?” Jiyong stared at him in confusion for a few moments and then he laughed too. Seunghyun was right, why should they care? They had everything they needed for the moment; a place to live, clothes on their bodies, food and water. And each other. They’d always have each other.

After breakfast, which Jiyong didn’t like at all, they decided to cuddle some more, after finding out she was already 12.30p.m. However, their cuddling time was interrupted not ten minutes later by the annoying ring of the doorbell.

“I’ll get it,” Seunghyun said and stood up, leaving Jiyong on the bed, gasping for air after the laughing fit he’d had. “Oh, hello! I, uhm… Wasn’t expecting you. What a nice surprise.” Seunghyun’s words sparked Jiyong’s curiosity and he got off the bed, following his brother to the hall. In the doorway stood Mrs. Cho’s daughter, holding something that looked and smelled suspiciously like a chocolate cake.

“Chocolate cake!” Jiyong exclaimed without thinking, before the girl had even said anything, and earned himself a smack on the back of his head from his brother and a laugh from the girl. “Yes, it’s chocolate cake,” she confirmed. “You like chocolate cake?” Jiyong nodded furiously and quickly decided he liked this girl. Anyone who brought chocolate cake without reason must be nice, right? “Anyway, I came here to welcome you, since I have a day off from school today. My name is Cho Myunghee, and I’m… Well, your landlord’s daughter. Can I come in?” Jiyong and Seunghyun both nodded and backed away a little, so she had space to come inside. Jiyong admired her for not even almost dropping the cake while taking off her shoes.

“Do you do this a lot?” he asked and she shook her head. “Not really. Mom or dad usually does, but you’re like, my age, so I thought why not?” She offered him another bright smile, which he ignored, and he nodded again. “Cool. How old are you? I’m fifteen and Seunghyun-hyung is sixteen.” He could feel Seunghyun glaring at him, but ignored it and led Myunghee into the kitchen, taking the cake from her and putting it on the table, inspecting it closely. “I’m fourteen, so it seems I’m the youngest here.” Why did she keep smiling like that? It was rather annoying to be honest.

“Do you like baking?”Seunghyun asked and she shrugged. “Sometimes, if I got time. I’d prefer to be with my friends, though. I hope you can be my friends. You’ll be the only ones who live near.” Jiyong looked up with a mischievous, bright smile and Seunghyun mentally groaned. That smile never meant good. “You can be my best friend of you promise to bake a lot of these for me.” Myunghee laughed again, louder this time, and threw her head back. She could be pretty, Jiyong thought, if he hadn’t already given his heart to his brother.

Fifteen minutes later, Jiyong was stuffing himself with cake and Myunghee and Seunghyun were chatting with each other and with Jiyong, when his mouth wasn’t full of cake. “So, uhm… I want to know a bit more about you” Myunghee said. Jiyong just nodded and shoved another spoonful of cake into his mouth. “I guess I could ask Seunghyun-oppa… Jiyong seems to be a little busy,” she continued, giggling.

“Does he like chocolate cake?” Seunghyun raised an eyebrow. “Are you kidding me? Whenever he can get his hands on it, he eats until he practically throws up.” Jiyong glared at him for that, but didn’t say anything as his mouth was too full. “What’s his last name, anyway? You said you were Choi Seunghyun, but I never caught Jiyong-oppa’s last name…” Jiyong finally swallowed all the chocolate in his mouth and answered the question himself. “Kwon,” he said proudly. “Kwon Jiyong.” And then he was back to eating all the cake Myunghee and Seunghyun wouldn’t eat.

“Favorite movies?” Seunghyun snorted. “He doesn’t watch movies that much and when he does… It’s usually scary ones that give him nightmares or sappy romantic ones that make him cry.” Myunghee giggled again. It was getting really annoying. “Books, then? Do you read?” Jiyong rolled his eyes, but Myunghee didn’t seem to notice. “I’m the one who reads, Jiyong is the one who pesters me when I do.” That sentence earned him a kick on the shin under the table, which he pretended he didn’t feel. “What do you guys like doing, then?” Myunghee seemed to have finally given up, but Seunghyun wished she hadn’t said that. He could see the glint in Jiyong’s eyes and the wicked smile on his lips from the corner of his eyes, but most of all, he could feel the foot that made its way up between his legs. “Uhm… Spending time with each other? Jiyong likes video games, too. And shopping. I don’t know how many times,” He paused as he felt Jiyong’s foot rub against his crotch, “Jiyong threatened to kill me if I didn’t go shopping with him.” For the first time, Seunghyun was thankful for Myunghee’s giggling, because it meant she didn’t hear the sigh he released. On the opposite side of the table, Jiyong had a very hard time not doubling over with laughter at Seunghyun’s expression.

“But you always give in, hyung, don’t you? Because you loooooveee me!” Seunghyun glared at him and Jiyong exploded with laughter, forehead connecting with the table with a bang. Myunghee was laughing too, although she didn’t know what was really going on, but Seunghyun couldn’t see the fun in the situation. He was sitting here with his brother’s foot in between his legs, already on good way giving him a hard on, and a stranger who pretty obviously had a crush on his brother next to him.

“Myunghee,” he said when she stopped laughing. “I think you better go now.” Jiyong’s laughter, which had died down to small laughs every now and then, exploded again and he rubbed his foot just a little harder against the forming bulge in Seunghyun’s pants. “Why, though?” Myunghee asked and Seunghyun glanced at her, annoyed. “Just go. There’s something I need to talk to Jiyong about.” She nodded and stood up, offering them another of her bright, annoying smiles. “Well, I’ll come back another day then. Until then, you know where to find me. Bye, Jiyong-oppa, bye Seunghyun-oppa!” and then she was out the door. Seunghyun released a sigh of relief.

“You” he growled and Jiyong lifted his head, still smiling widely. “Are in trouble. Big trouble, kid.” Jiyong smile died down, but just a little as his eyes widened and he stared at his brother with a feigned horrified expression. “Oops.”

genre: au, fanfiction: chaptered, rating: pg-13, fandom: big bang, pairing: g-dragon/top, genre: romance

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