And then I get another couple reminders..... eff!
Today was actually not too bad. The day started out really good (except for the whole getting up at 7 thing... which didn't pan out and I woke up at 7:30 and bought breakfast instead) Physio was great. Stravraky brought in more props to explain oxygen transport (even though we didn't REALLY need them, it made him THAT much better :D) and then I was done with class for the day. Went to the hospital and it was a busy day so a whole load of interesting things happened.
So this young woman comes in, crying, I didn't want to ask what because I was afraid it was a rape case (which did happen before) and then her husband came in with their baby and then I thought it was a miscarriage, it turns out it was just abdominal pain and they don't know why (didn't get to hear the details) But by the time that she came in, the waiting room was pretty filled with the usual less urgent cases and all the beds were filled inside. So she had to wait like everyone else. In the mean time, this other lady comes in with an iv in her arm and she starts telling me about her boils between her thighs and how they popped O_O... well first of all, I didn't need to know that she had boils in the first place and 2nd of all I didn't need to know they popped. She had this really whiny voice too so it was irritating after a while.
Then this guy comes in, he's pretty young looking, long hair, I didn't notice him at first. And then this whole bunch of people came in and I had to go and tell them where to go. (which is pretty much my job as it seems) And after they crowd left, I sat down next to him and he was reading Sun Tsu's Art of War (I mean seriously right? who reads a pocket version of Art of War? or even Art of War itself? O.o) anyways he was like are you just like a traffic cop or something? and I'm like ya, pretty much. So we talked for a while, it was good, he was nice if not a bit nerdy haha.
And then this really old gentleman comes in with his wife and this other guy. So I was really nice and helpful and got them a wheel chair and wheeled him around. And then the guy that drove him in ended up sitting beside me. So we got talking. It ends up that he is the old man's brother (he's pretty old himself) and he came all the way from Hamilton just so that he can drive his brother to get his hips and joints checked out. Anyways, he was the most pleasant man ever. He told me about how he was in the war (WWII) and how he was 16 in 1941. When he was on break from the war, he would go home and help polish coffins for his aunts and uncles because his uncle was an undertaker. He apparently walked into a woman's bathroom before when he was really drunk. He's also never had a hangover but he did make lots of noise for his friends who did. And then after the war he worked in machine shops making bearings for all sorts of different things and when small metal chips got into other people's eyes he would be the one who took them out. But before all of that he said something about how at a certain age, when we can't take care of ourselves, it's time to die. And my mind of course, when ever anyone talk about death these days, goes to Mr. Bonk and how it was too early for him to die because despite the arthritis and the detached retinas and the restless legs syndrome, he was still able to take care of himself. *sigh* just not fair. This man, is 82 and his brother 91 and I'm sure they're good people, they may even be great people but it's so... life is so unfair and random. But ANYWAYS, it was great talking to him. There are elderlys who drive me insane (I'm sorry to say) but then people like him, they only really only get wiser with age and it's so great talking to them.
So anyways, back to the girl with the mysterious abdominal pain. This random woman waiting in the waiting room with her walks up to me and asked me if there's anything we can do for abs pain girl so I said, I can ask. Turns out, no bed, no doc and we can't give her anything because we don't know wtf is wrong with her. So I went back to tell the woman hoping that she will leave me alone after that. No. Oh no, how wrong I was. She was like well do you have a stretcher so that she can at least lay down? So of course, I go and ask, and the clerk sounded pretty annoyed after I asked her, because obviously the answer is no! I mean I know nurses can be not the nicest ppl in the world sometimes but they wouldn't let someone in that much pain just sit there in a full waiting room. So I go back and tell the woman. And she was like, well this is a hospital, there's got to be an emerge doc somewhere who can take care of this woman. So I tried (with no avail) to explain to her how urgent care isn't the same as emergency room... ya... and then she asked me to see if we can go and find a physician. I wanted to laugh in her face. She wanted ME. Me, to go find a doctor?! ya, um, sorry to tell ya, but I've been there almost 4 month now and I haven't really seen a doctor. Abs pain lady did get called pretty soon after that so I was kind of glad that was taken care of. But really soon after she went in, an ambulance came, to take her away, to what I'm assuming is either UH or Victoria hospital, where she should've went in the first place ANYWAYS. But who am I to judge. But this whole thing really reminded me of the talk yesterday given by the Medical Reform Group ppl about the whole shortage of doctors and how we should change Medicare, or at least monitor more closely the spendings so that we can go towards more preventative medicine rather than get to a situation like this where there's too many patients, some with minor things that could be taken care of by say a nurse practitioner or etc.... ya I don't know what I'm talking about, but I did feel much smarter after that talk last night haha.
Oh and whiny voice lady was about to leave and then noticed that she didn't have her IV pump, and came back and started to whine again... ya...
I saw a lady in labor AND a completely blown blood blister on like a 10 year old. It was so... O_O I felt really bad for the boy.
But ya, it was pretty busy today that I didn't even get a chance to have lunch haha. Then I went and said bye to the nice gentleman and he was really nice back. So I left, and on the bus on the way home, I saw this guy reading slaughterhouse-five. W.T.F. O.M.G. the whole world keep on trying to remind me of Mr. Bonk. Like WUT! UGH. *cries* I'm ready to get over this emo stage now, please and thankyou. Anyday now. really.