Jul 10, 2005 11:58
well last night was a crazy one holy crap..... so me and steff went to jimmys house so that mitch and brad and a whole bunch of peopple could jam haha good times.. so then we got into the liquar and the weeeddd..... oh shit was i ever fucking gone i was so fucked up.. ok i kept hitting my head on the counter and now it hurts so bad im in mad pain... sop then me and steff finally get outta there at like 2.... so we came home and steff realized she had no keys so we liek slept outside for 2 hours and then finnally got like hypothremeia.. so we knoked on her moms window and asked them to let us in we got in and i got my pjs on and passed right out..... i swear some people when there drunk get to be such ass holes GAHH.... never again like honestly i ahte when people get liek that but whatever thats what happends when you get messed liek we were but holy shit them were some good times...as for today me and steff well i dunno about steff but im pretty hungover i ahve a massive headace... as for later im not wuite sure what were up do nothing big i dont think... im thinking that i need to go home and sit and think i have alot to think about... not good stuff that im looking forword to thinking about either but whatever its gotta be done or im gonna be a mess... well i supose i better be off