[Telephone: ALL]

Aug 12, 2011 13:13

[From his office at the university, Taylor is reminded of a conversation he and Elias had regarding the state of the Outlanders' residence. He takes the opportunity to procrastinate from his own work to give the household a call.]

Good morning, I hope you all managed to get a decent rest last night, new and previous arrivals alike.

This really is just a quick call to put forward something Elias and I had been discussing which is the possibility of stationing some kind of guard within the portal chamber. We've had several rather troubling events that have caught us off-guard recently--attacks on the house and unexpected arrivals with no-one to greet them to name only two--so perhaps fashioning together some kind of watch router would be well advised, if anyone would be interested?

Additionally, as your ranks are clearly growing it might be nice to keep some kind of record on who is here and when they arrived. Would anyone like to start the ball rolling in that area? Gather information from your fellow house-guests and take responsibility of keeping the record up to date? It doesn't have to be a single person's responsibility, of course, but as long as we know someone is doing this it would be particularity useful.

Any thoughts on all of this?

+ george milton, + kazuma, + ada vessalius, + meguro gau, + vincent nightray, + seras victoria, + captain becker, + shimizu raikou, [npc] taylor aldrich, + daisya barry, + preston marlowe

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