Pre-game Timeline
NOTE: These events are presented for OOC knowledge and reference only, to give players a bit of info for what’s happened in the few weeks leading up to their characters’ arrivals. We’re keeping this list deliberately skeletal so that details can be discovered in game, (and so it'll be quicker reading) but we thought it might help for everyone to have a bit of context for setting the stage.
• August 6, 1928
An intruder trying to break into the MU library is killed by Napoleon (the guard dog). The inhuman corpse dissolves before the eyes of Dr. Armitage and two of his colleagues.
• August 23, 1928
Two young men arrive mysteriously in the ruins of an ancient cliff city in the desert of southern Arizona.
• August 27, 1928
A break-in is discovered at the MU museum vault. Lucas Tetlow, the grounds keeper who discovers it, reports the theft of a particular artifact which was seemingly removed through the network of tunnels running below the university grounds and surrounding town.
• August 29, 1928
Professors Taylor Aldrich and Elias Watney are approached in secret by members of the MU administration and asked to try and find the whereabouts of the stolen artifact. They begin an exploration of the tunnels to try and track the thief.
• September 9-15, 1928
Dr. Armitage, along with two other MU professors, manages to dispel a horrific threat in the rural town of Dunwich. The event is known to barely anyone besides those involved.
• September 12, 1928
Professor Albert Wilmarth visits Henry Akeley after a series of letters and strange occurrences. He flees Akeley’s home under circumstances he seems loath to speak of.
• September 18, 1928
Professor Watney receives a strange letter from someone who calls himself an exorcist and claims to be en-route to meet him.
• September 20, 1928
MU’s Expedition to Antarctica sets sail from Boston.
• September 21-23, 1928
A loose consortium begins to form between the handful of MU faculty and staff who have knowledge of the past months’ strange and foreboding events. In strictest confidence, they begin to let each other know of their experiences, which would certainly be considered marks of insanity by most who heard them.
• September 26, 1928
The “exorcist” who wrote to Professor Watney arrives in Arkham along with his albino traveling companion. They are initially met with mistrust by Watney who seems poised to refuse to help them.
• September 27, 1928
In a subsequent meeting with the two strangers, Professors Watney and Aldrich are convinced to believe that they have indeed come from other worlds and agree to help them, if they can. They put them up in a cheap boarding house in French Hill in the interim.
• September 30, 1928
During the late hours of the night, Professors Aldrich and Watney finally locate the stolen artifact and interrupt a rite in which it is being used.
• October 1, 1928 (just after midnight)
Game start.