Who: Heine Rammsteinr & Naoto Fuyumine
What: Bullying Heine and Naoto become aware of each other's presence in the mansion
Where: The hallway outside rooms 211 and 212
When: Evening (before being phone-social with Kanda)
Rating and Warnings: GRR WOOF PG-13 at least...? Subject to change? Idk.
Everything they whispered in our ear is coming true )
She stared at him, her expression shifting from shocked at his presence to stunned at his comment. Really, of all the things he could have said that hadn't been what she was expecting. Naoto's expression melted into irritation a few seconds later, recovering from the initial surprise and suppressing the other surprise of him being here to begin with.
"Thank you for noticing," she replied, voice sour. She didn't need the reminder of what she'd just confirmed for herself in the bathroom mirror.
And then she let silence flood between them. Perhaps now would have been a good time for a nice to see you, sarcastic or not. In truth, maybe to her it was a little nice to see him (or at least he was preferable over someone like Magato), to know she wasn't alone in this nightmare. But, that left her just as concerned.
There was something off about it. About him, about his reaction, and their whole meeting altogether. There was a lack of mutual understanding, almost, a feeling of knowing between them no longer there. It was as if they were still just meeting for the first or second time.
That alone caused her to fumble for words, but she furrowed her brow, refusing to ask at the moment. She wouldn't magically open up and act concerned for this one, especially not here at this moment feeling such a difference. Besides, there were more important people to worry about-such as Nill and how she didn't have either of them back home if they were both here.
"Heine," she began, finally, folding her arms across her chest. So many things to say and so little time to say them. No time like the present to start asking the most obvious and necessary ones, though, right? "...where are you going?"
Well, that wasn't what she had intended to ask, particularly as her first question. But now that she did? She was curious all the same just like any stalker would be.
But awkward was just what they did, wasn't it? She was irritating to him and he--as far as he could guess--was a callous asshole to her. It worked out. Sort of. But even so... That pause. That look. It like he was supposed to say something or do something in particular. It kind of felt like he missed a cue somewhere.
But he didn't know what it was that he'd missed...
So instead he watched. He watched and tried to pick up whatever cue he missed, the end of a hanging thread to reel it in, something to make that odd tension make sense. What had happened before between them?
Ah. Granny's tea place. And the dress-fitting. And getting kicked out when Naoto was going to be force-fitted there. Ugh. His eye gave an irritated twitch as that thought passed through his mind, continuing to stare at the swordswoman in front of him in that generally unimpressed manner. But that wasn't it, was it? That was just bad timing and Granny being... Granny. Nothing to do with him in relation to Naoto, not really.
It likely seemed that he just really wasn't going to say anything to her at all after his charming first 'compliment' and the lingering irritable stink-eye placed upon her. But finally he gave up, heaved a huff past his teeth and turned his head away.
The tap-tap-tap wasn't letting up though and it was still several seconds until her question actually connected and he shot her a surprised glance with a raised eyebrow.
"Bathroom," he said finally, a thumb jerking down the corridor toward the room she'd just exited "Didn't know you needed to give that much of a damn."
While Heine wasn't normally in the business of making things easier for people, he didn't much care to linger on embarrassing her at this particular moment in time--too many naggling annoyances for that--so instead he moved the thought along quickly.
"You haven't been here long, have you? Properly would have noticed already. So I bet you fell through that portal downstairs. When?"
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