disinters, and all new arrivals.
What: The new arrivals get their first experience of their new environment.
Where: Drawing room, the old Dixon house.
When: October 1st 1928, not long after midnight.
Rating and Warnings: PG?
Notes: If you haven’t read the OOC game start info, you can find it
Human bodies are heavy. Never so heavy as when they’re dead weight. )
He tilted his head then curiously.
"You didn't actually say what time you were supposedly from, did you?
"As for relating this to Poe. Hmm... Yes, I guess so. A bit. Kind of. Well, not really. Less ravens and psychological distress and more...cultists and rituals. But apart from that, yes."
Taylor had a thoughtful sort of expression on his face at the suggestion that this was a bit far afield for men of his and Elias' kind, but after a short while he gave a small shrug.
"Well, for some professors, perhaps. But when I'm not teaching I'm excavating skeletons and trying to surmise the rites and artefacts with which they were put to rest with. But this situation was actually tied to our work, an excavation of an artefact some years ago. It was recently stolen from the vault in the local museum and since then we'd been trying to track it down and were finally able to locate it, but when we did it was being used as part of a cultist ritual. So our work as professors is actually heavily linked to all of this."
Becker tried to remember what he knew about cultists and rituals. There was that one part in his first day where he had to contend with a prehistoric alligator from the Nile, and he was forced to bow down to it (a sign of non-aggression, Cutter had insisted, but he'll take it as an insult anyway), so he supposed that was one of those things. There were, of course, the occasional lunatics heard in the news, but who the hell pays attention to them anyway? It's not like the whole furor about the world ending hasn't been prophesied often enough anyway; in his lifetime alone he's survived more than three predicted, not even counting the others that people have made.
Then again, when someone actually speaks the truth amongst their babble, who actually listens?
There's also the multiple coincidences that he's heard in his stay. A portal opening, something coming through that men couldn't stop, an artefact lost and recently stolen. But Helen Cutter was a scientist, wasn't she? While she'd succeeded in cloning her soldier multiple times to create an army (and seducing her husband's best student; the woman liked to multitask), he didn't think that was anything on the levels of Harry Potter. There must be some scientific explanation for that.
Not for once he'd caught himself wishing that he'd paid attention more to Connor and Abby's things.
"A cultist ritual, in this day and age?" 'Modern' would cover it, he supposed. "What were these cultists attempting to ... summon, or something?"
The words felt ridiculously awkward in his mouth. 'Summon'? Really?
Focus, Taylor, focus.
"Ah... Cultists. Rituals. Yes. Yes, even in this day and age there are beliefs in the occult, and plenty who practice as well as believe. But as for what these cultists in particular were trying to summon tonight?" He shook he head "That is something I can't tell you. Neither of us can yet. Unfortunately, we just haven't had enough time or resources to determine many details at all yet. Unhelpful, I realise, but it seems being up-front about these matters is what's needed here."
He frowns. Well, alright, there's always been that proverb about old habits dying hard. 'Modern' may apply to the technologies coming at around this era but it certainly doesn't apply to the religions and traditions that they still kept. Unfortunately it includes the ones which really should be let go of; but then again, how does one decide when to let go so easily of rituals and faiths? Especially with such a potential threat and ... power, yes, he hesitated to say it, but power. Especially with such power that their beliefs could bring.
"An investigation would be good, yes? Have you asked the cops about this?"
He clicked his teeth thoughtfully at the question posed before lightly scratching the side of his jaw with the back of a knuckle.
"No. And I don't feel we intend to. Make no mistake, this is not an ordinary occurrence that took place tonight. We are not a town that is welcoming of cultists, or even one that is aware of cultists; we have not had any previous encounters with cultists, for that matter," he gestures briefly to Elias as he mentioned the 'we' "Not these kinds of cultists at any rate, not here.
"Arkham is a pretty quiet town. It certainly has it's petty crime, the odd burglary, issue with street gangs and the likes, but overall this is a respectable town of respectable people," this was said with a rather dry tone and an slightly lofted eyebrow to display the professor's cynicism over such things "The police have enough work going for them that they're not sitting around twiddling their thumbs, but they're normal folks who are used to being called out over normal disturbances. In other words, they would be out of their depth in a situation like this, and when people are out of their depth they can cause more trouble than good."
And there was the occult to deal with, too ...
"Of course, we'll need information regarding our enemies, if we are to stay and remain alive."
"I think this is all definitely possible, or the possibility of possibilities is...possible," he frowned, that didn't sound very professional or reassuring "There are a lot of issues surrounding this situation, one of which is that we don't want to startle townsfolk, or even suggest that there is any reason for them to need protection. That said, it would be prudent to have some precautions in place, as you say. When we know more we'll definitely convene to decide how to pursue this, but there are a number of things Elias and I will need to confirm beforehand."
Information on the enemies was most certainly something Taylor didn't have access to and he knew it. Instead, Taylor decided to focus on another bit of information that he was neglecting.
"Sorry, I think somewhere in all of this I didn't quite catch your name."
"Well, we'll figure out a way to ... work around the townspeople, I suppose, when the time demands for it. Preferably soon, yes? We don't know how many are going to arrive, still." Becker almost said 'silence the townspeople'. He's rather proud having all this tact. Only Captain Becker, man. "Ah. Pardon me. I am Captain Becker, though times being what they are, I suppose just Becker would be fine."
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