Apr 04, 2007 16:47
I'mma post pictures! ... Later. >.> Okay, so I'm being lazy. I'm allowed! I actually JUST got my first day off after six days straight of work. o.o We calculated, and I was actually on my feet for 48 hours this week. Two full days. >.> My mind snaps.
Anyway, I have three days off in a row, so I'll be around! ^_^ I'mma post the next series of pictures of Arcadia in here, I'mma be on delicious WoW, and maybe if I discover the Fish is on, I'mma beg her for some rp. o.o All my other rp buddies vanished. Oh no!
Anyway, real news?
- Got my akon wig! Woot! >.> Still gotta buy and make the ears, but I'll do that sometime this week or next.
- Ordered my boobie flatener thingie. o.o I don't know what else to call it. That should arrive next week.
- I also figured out the PERFECT way to get out of my sewing my tunic thing. >.> So hopefully my obtaining it will be in the next post.
- Got my yearly raise. o.o FINALLY! Three months AFTER I should have, but I got it. Max for my position too, so yay for me. Also been being trained on MORE stuff. Slowly but surely, I climb the little ladder.
- I'm not on much, I know. Full time work for now due to a shortage in people. My social life and writing weeps, but more money for akon is nice.
- >.> My special item isn't here yet. *Whines* I don't recall when I ordered it, but even if it was last week and I KNEW I still had weeks to wait... I'd still be whining. Mail ever gets here soon enough.
- Quinn LOVES his new job. Seriously. He's making -MORE- than double what he was... And he drives around all night and gets free food. He is thrilled, and I'm relieved.
- The house-thing? Yeah, that fell apart. >.> Neither Quinn or I are shocked. His father didn't get the job, and then kinda... Well, really, blew him off. Again. Oh well, next plan.
- I have been spreading the KKM love to our closet-friend. Mark is our buddy I literally started stalking at work, then who started stalking me back, who now is involved in a stalking circle between Quinn and I. We told him we're kidnapping him and putting him in our closet, and he's impatient because we haven't yet. o.o It was meant to be. Anyways! He comes over a few times a week and plans boardgames with us while we watch anime. So far we've watched Loveless and KKM, and Mark's thrilled with both. he loves kitty folks, so loveless works, and he's got major issues with KKM and the maids. >.> And I've so far won at D&D Edition Clue, Life, and Age of Mythology. I've been promised monopoly comes next. Mwua he. Mark, for the record, has the most kick as job -EVER-. He works 8pm to 8am like three times a week, and makes almost 1k a week... While sitting in a room and pushing himself around in a rolly chair for most of it. We loaned him Quinn's gameboy just so he has something else to do. I envy him SO much! He also owns a ranch and kills his own cows... Mmm, I got dead Mark-cow for Christmas! >.> And he has horses, though he hates to ride.
- We have a porch cat. o.o I didn't dare let him in, even though he wanted to come in, but he visits us now. I named him Bosco. >.> Off a skit Quinn once told me about LA dating. 'You know Bosco!?!' He's a very thin grey tiger tabby with a HUGE head. He looks like Duo, but... With a ginormous head which makes us thing of invader zim and Dib's freakishly large head. He's friendly and pitiful though.
- WoW still owns my soul. I have over twenty charries now on various servers. o.o And am always looking for rp there too. Ah well.
And... That's all for now. Sorry if I sound a little spacy there. I consider it giddy relief. Seriously, I thought that stretch of work would never end. It was actually me working five days, having half a day off that was filled with doctor's appointments, then working six days. So... YEAH. o.o Oh! And speaking of doctor's appointments, I guess I do have one more piece of news. One less perky. I had an MRI last month. That's a magnetic something or other test, that shows tons of details. Anyway, last Wednesday was the day I went to the doctor to get my results. As you will all remember (or not, whatever), Thanksgiving at work I hurt my back, and it had still been hurting me so that's why the extended tests. Anyway, I went in. I expected the doctor to tell me it was just bruised or whatever, but no... Apparently, I did permenent damaged to by back. I have a vertibray (sp?) that is bulging out of place and is filled with liquid. Yum. -_- Anyway, it's not operable, and the doctor stated it's life long. I can get pain shots in my spine, that should get rid of some of the swelling, which is what's causing most of the pain as it pushes my nerves against bones, but the state it's in won't change and I'll need to be careful with what I do, lift, ect, for the rest of my life. Mood killer? Yeah, but... Meh. I don't know. The doctor's trying to see if Workman's comp will cover the pain shots. >.> All I can say is they friggen better. One day of work, and now my back is screwed up for the rest of my life. Pain shots in my spine? o.O /weep
Yup. My update. Pictures soon!