Aug 10, 2006 23:31 starts soon. not looking forward to it much. kinda...but not really. have to get 15 books for my 4 classes that i'm taking. blah..and i have to buy 12 of them. woohoo!! $$$ down the drain! YaY! lol. even have to buy my japanese textbook this year...thats gonna cost a butt load. oh wells....but at least its mine then...
not a whole lot going on in my life. shock i know! mostly working. though thankfully i've had off from babysitting two days this week! so nice! found out today that Festival Foods has Sushi! i went there this afternoon to pick some up..but they only had a few kinds left..and they were like veggie and crab. i was really looking forward to salmon or tuna...but i'm going back at like 11:00ish tomorrow cause thats when their "sushi bar" opens! yum!
how long does sushi last in one's fridge??? cause i'm going on a Vacation with the fam next week...and i would like to get a bunch of sushi...but donno how long it'll keep..hmm...might have to ask when i try and get some.
the mom keeps bugging me about going to the Career Service center so i can look at stuff that i want to do with my major/minor. also that i need to look for service learning crap and possible internships for next summer. blah...who knew that being a 3rd year would be so hard. its like everything is stock pileing....and its like i have to figure out exactly what i want/have to do with my life right this minute. o.o;; stressfull stuffs man.... i keep shying away from all this cause i really dont want to think about it. even though i know i really should.....*sigh*
one of my little bros just got a job this week. he's gonna work at Wendy's! lol. gonna have to bug him at work. muwahahhahahahaha....
grr...i'm kinda hungry...though i know i really shouldnt eat anything...cause i'm not doing so hot on this diet thing....even if i have lost about 15lbs so far this summer....bah still such a long way to go....should lose AT LEAST 30lbs more.....then i'll get back to the weight i was in hs.....well for most of hs anyway...damn...and i thought i was fat back then....need more exercise....*is terrible at self motivation*
lol..i got pretty drunk last friday night. oh boy....i'm pretty sure i remember most of it. esp. the puking all day saturday. ois...not doing that again anytime soon....twas fun tho up until that point...