Apr 26, 2006 18:57

i have like 5 papers due next week. XP Thankfully i've been pretty strict on myself and have 2 of them done already! XD though that still leaves 3 and one of them is an 8 pager. *cries* really haven't been spending much time with Chris at all. Except at lunch, class or in between our classes. blah.  le sigh oh well.....

created my own mood theme! star trek! XD still dont have it fully completed but its close! *does the happy dance* i'm quite pleased with it, though it's been taking ALOT more time than i thought it would've.

Heather's been acting funny/goofy since she's been getting to REALLY like Casey. o.o;;; like today after class she came back to the room * i was working on a paper* and Casey follows her in the room.  Me *thinks* oh great.......
they go to the other side of the room and heather sets down her bag and casey tries to corner her to like kiss/make out or something and i'm like O.O;;;;;;;;;;;; NOT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!  she turns bright red and playfully shoves him away.  Then she asks me if i'm gonna be hanging out in the room all evening. me: yes  her: oh......ok..........i really should be doing work as well. *giggles* then says she and casey are gonna get food and they leave. o.o;;

its not that i dont mind that she's got a "guy friend" or boyfriend or whatever. its just she's not the same person. usually ignores me whenever he's around. and gets all girly. and thats really not her. also all her worrying about pissing him off, or that he doesnt like her. plus with all her saying that she doesnt want a bf. O.o;; RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTT 
she spent the night at his place last night. *which is sooooo much better then him staying here*, she left at 12 last night to see him, cause thats when he got off work. 
its like we've switched places. me staying in the room doing homework homework and more homework. and shes off galivanting around with a *coughcrazypotsmokercough*(which he really is....) guy.
i mean chris and i never acted that way around her. never. that is until now that he only comes over if she's gone and not going to be back anytime soon. since they like hate eachother. sitll cant decide if thats worse then them flirting all the time like they used to.  

crazypotsmoker, papers, roommate

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