first day.....

Jan 23, 2006 19:51

once again...long time no post.  moved back in Saturday. woot. didnt do to much over break except work. though i did get a digital camera for christmas, so i might post some pics later on that i took of christmas and whatnot.

classes went ok today. but first days you really dont do a whole lot anyway. Found out that i forgot more japanese than i thought i had, so that kinda sucks. its like i have to relearn it all again.

also found out that one of my friends from HS had her baby last Sunday *not this past one, but the one before...* i guess it was a really big baby.....went out to Fazoli's with my bf and one of my guy friends tonight. so that was pretty fun. :) yum!

am on a diet of sorts now. though i REALLY need more exercise....bah thats my real problem i think. ois....Chris thinks i should join the cheer squad here on campus to get the exercise......ah yeah....i donno about that.....

who could live without an arm pillow??? XD

 now this is a great one....

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