
Feb 24, 2006 18:50

I started work at Mr. Cid's shop today. It's been pretty crazy. The customers haven't been so bad but some of the other folks have been. Like, some crazy guy came in and held a gun on one of the customers and Mr. Cid. And then some crazy monster tore a whole in the ceiling ( Read more... )

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highrollinpimp February 25 2006, 15:05:55 UTC
Huh, Mr. Cid's shop? The Prince doesn't know where this is. It seems like things have been eventful there so far, but The Prince hopes that Roxas is happy.


mysteriousboy February 26 2006, 01:41:09 UTC
It's great, Prince! I mean, I guess I kinda almost died a couple of times... but that's okay! Mr. Cid and Mr. Gene are great. If you ever need anything, remember to head on over here!

How are you doing? Like, you're not on your own or anything are you? I mean, I know you're dad isn't here but... you're not just out on your own, right?


prinzessinasuka February 26 2006, 02:29:50 UTC
The Prince is under my and Jenet's care so he is absolutely alright! You should take more care after yourself also, sweet guys like you are already rare as it is.


mysteriousboy February 26 2006, 02:43:11 UTC
Okay, that's great then! Jenet is another friend of you guys? The more the better, for sure. I just kinda worried about the kid... he doesn't seem to be that aware of what's going on. He's really naive. I was really hoping he wasn't out on the street by himself...

Haha, I try... It's not my fault that people with guns and monsters come into the shop! But... well, yeah, I guess I should be more careful when it comes to certain people... ^^;;; Sweet? You really think so? ^^;;;;


prinzessinasuka February 26 2006, 02:53:11 UTC
Oh, and plus there's this man named Auron. I think that anyone who travels with him will be safe, what with his huge sword. It's not your fault, but oung as you are, you ahve the right to just run away. Ever thought of that?

By the way, how old are you exactly? Just wondering.


mysteriousboy February 26 2006, 03:12:16 UTC
Yeah, guys with really big swords tend to be really safe bets. I hung out with this really cool guy named Zack who has this huge buster sword. But his friend Cloud has one too and he kinda got abducted by that Ansem guy. So I dunno. I guess it just depends on how they use the swords they carry. Either way, it's a relief that you guys aren't out there alone.

Well, it's not like I didn't duck and cover the second there was trouble. Me and this little girl Henrietta ducked under things right off. But, I mean, I can't just run off... I found out a few nights ago that if I have to fight I can... I just... well, I don't want to... I guess that makes me sound like a wuss but... I just don't want to...

How old am I? Well... that's a good question. I'm not really sure. I was found on the streets almost two years ago now. I can't remember anything about before that. Well, I can... I think I can. But I'm not sure. I think I'm about fourteen or fifteen... Hey, what about you?


prinzessinasuka February 26 2006, 08:07:02 UTC
Yeap, guys with huge swords are very dependable! And Auron seems to really know whatever it is he's doing, so he's awesome!! don't get any ideas, he's kinda too old for me

You remind me so much of my friend, Shinji, who's kinda wussy but very sweet, like you. I bother him about being a wuss, but I don't really mind his 'wussy-ness', really. Not wanting to fight doesn't mean you're a wuss anyway, you may just not like violence.

I'm fourteen going on fifteen also! Anyway, you forgot how old you are? Did you err had a concussion or something?


mysteriousboy February 26 2006, 15:24:37 UTC
I'm just glad you and the Prince have someone there with you guys. I mean, not that I think you couldn't handle yourselves but there is a real strength in numbers I've found. And it really does help when one of the numbers is an old guy with a huge sword. Really, great! I mean, it's great that he's older and, you know, he has more experience and... yeah! ^^;;Shinji? He sounds like a pretty cool guy. I mean, I guess he does sound a lot like me. Do you guys really do a lot of fighting where you are from? I mean, I guess I did but it was a sport - a game! It wasn't real ( ... )


prinzessinasuka February 27 2006, 11:56:44 UTC
Yeap, older guys rock! Especially those with a huge sword. I just realized his battle scars also, so he must be very experienced in fighting and stuff. Must be a great guy.

In my place, we did a lot of fighting, real fighting. But we use a robot that we control so it is not really us fighting. I don't think it really makes much difference though, considering that when the robot is 'injured' we feel the pain and get injured also. I won't admit it to the people in my world, but I feel sick of fighting also, most of the time. I just don't want them to see me as a coward.

So you live with foster parents? I do too, but I remember everything about my childhood. So you suppose you used to live by the beach when you were small? Is there a beach near this Twilight Town? Maybe your parents are still somewhere there?


mysteriousboy February 27 2006, 22:32:07 UTC
Robots? You mean, like mechanical people? That's so cool that you had robots, though. We've just had people talk about them and write stories where I came from... I can't believe you actually come from a place where they are real! It must be so different where you are from... you know, in all truth, Paixao isn't that much different from where I'm from. Twilight Town is a lot like it just smaller ( ... )


prinzessinasuka February 28 2006, 14:48:28 UTC
Err kind of like mechanical people, but my robot is HUGE. It's about as tall as buildings. The world where I came from is very technologically advanced compared to this place, I guess. But we don't have magic back there, whereas here you do? I still don't believe about all the magic stuff, honestly ( ... )


mysteriousboy March 4 2006, 00:39:45 UTC
I guess having magic as opposed to these robots is better for us. I mean, we don't need them to fight. And lots of people get a lot of use out of magic back home. I could never do it (except with this stuff called materia but I don't really like it all that much) but some people could and it's really useful.

It's crazy how those robots work! I mean, it's just... it's so harsh, man. And, you know, I wish I could just meet my parents once to see if I hated them... :-/

You know, the whole idea about being from another world... it never would have occured to me just last week. But now that I am here... I just never realized there WERE other worlds. Now, I guess... I guess I could be from somewhere else...


highrollinpimp February 26 2006, 04:55:02 UTC
Almost died...? The Prince hopes you're alright now. But The Prince will remember to come should he ever need anything, thank you!

Like Miss Asuka said, The Prince is traveling with Miss Asuka, Queen Jenet and Mr. Auron. They are very nice! Miss Asuka is kinda bleeding everywhere, but The Prince is sure Mr. Auron and Queen Jenet will know what to do!


mysteriousboy February 26 2006, 05:24:08 UTC
Yeah, I'm okay now. Bullet just kinda flew overhead and lodged in a wall. Nothing to worry about!

Miss Asuka is bleeding!? Well, if Jenet and Mr. Auron are there... Hmmm... you guys are okay, right? I guess you sound like it but... You sure Asuka is okay?


highrollinpimp February 26 2006, 17:08:06 UTC
Still, guns are very dangerous. The Prince knows this! Be careful around them and the people who use them.

Well, Miss Asuka was bleeding before we came and now she is still bleeding. This is better news than one might think. Mr. Auron and Queen Jenet are older and more experienced, so they must know what to do! The Prince has been told to always respect his elders. Except Queen Jenet really doesn't look very old...


pirate_knight March 2 2006, 03:04:01 UTC
I've often been told that I look very good for my age.


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