Drabble: What Lies Beneath

Feb 25, 2009 19:09

Title: What Lies Beneath
Author: mysteriousaliwz
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: Nick/Stephen
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own Primeval, Nick or Stephen and am not making any money out of this.
Word Count: 100
Author Notes: Written for the Feb09 Primeval drabbleathon, for flawed_karma. Prompt was Nick/Stephen, Song 'Dinner at Eight' by Rufus Wainwright
Thanks to fredbassett for the encouragement!
Warning: Angstwoekittens.

I'm not ready to forgive him. Not yet.

Everything we meant to each other had a lie at the centre of it, a sharp chunk of ice embedded in a snowball.

All those years I thought he was my rock - now it seems he’s slippery, dangerous sheet ice hidden beneath clean, soft snow.

He was my comfort. His betrayal hurt worse than Helen’s, made me want to lash out with my fists, to see tears in his eyes.

I want to trust him again, I really do, but …

He'll have to prove he's worth my trust again. Somehow.

fic, character: nick cutter, challenges, author: mysteriousaliwz, primeval

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