Jan 11, 2004 12:55
Okay, why the hell does everyone post white (or semi-white) text on a black (or semi-black) background?! Is that the STYLE these days?? Is EVERYONE gothic?! Is EVERYONE "'dark' and disappointed with their lives" or "very happy and love life but they 'just like black'"??!!
Oh. I did it too. Um, never mind. (Cough) I wasn't saying anything.
Anyway, this is just a random site with nonsensicalness.
Which brings me to a list of annoying things I've noticed about most people with Livejournals (as well as things I've noticed).
1. When they put "-ness" at the end of everything, thinking it's cute.
2. When they put "haha" in their journals, as if they think it's audible.
3. When they put periods every every. single. thing.
4. When they form sentences like they're 6 years old and don't even capitalize words/names or use proper punctuation. It makes you wonder how they sound when they actually talk to people. You may SPEAK like a college professor but you type like you're just about to experience the wonders of first grade. Apply your grammar skills to speaking AND typing. Plus it just makes you look lazy when you don't.
5. When they insert all these innuendoes and metaphors that only their "BFF's!!!" and friends they've known for 228 years will understand. I mean, I know most Livejournals are meant for close friends but come on.
6. When they insert stupid quotes from situations that happened that day or the day before that aren't funny and make no sense whatsoever and you'd have to be actually inside their or their friends' heads to fully understand. Example:
Bob: "So yeah that girl over there totally pissed me off"
Jill: "How?"
Bob: "I have no idea. But it'll get to me later"
See? It's not funny. I just made that up, but you get the idea. That represents about 95% of the other quotes out there.
7. When people express their love for their "significant other" by again, putting all these reference in there, like "7 months <3" or something similar.
8. When they say "good times" about everything. Is that the new expression to describe coolness of situations?
9. When they say "(Insert name) is amazing". Amazing is another word for astonishing or bewildering, according to the dictionary. Now it's used in place of "great" or "the best"?
10. When they include surveys every third day. But only if they don't make sense or they give vague answers. Otherwise the surveys are awesome.
11. "Friends only" Livejournals. Not that I wouldn't ever make one, though.
12. In-jokes, in-jokes, in-jokes. And phrases and moments they think are so great. They're not funny or amusing.
13. "<3 you so much"
14. When they use expressions just because they think they're funny or cool.
15. When they reveal how they eke themselves through life, such as "School was pointless" or "I had no motivation today" or "I'm not gonna have a future at all". Nice outlook. Plus you're admitting to complete strangers what your real personality is before I even meet you. Now I know what to look forward to once I do. I'll keep it in the back of my mind as I'm "intoduced" to you, you lazy idiot.
16. When people put lists of what they find annoying. Ok, I don't think that's an annoying thing, but YOU probably do, after reading this.
That's all I can think of for now. If anyone is offended and is now thinking to themselves "You know, I DO find myself doing one or more of those thing. The nerve!!" then don't blame me. It's you who should change. Either that or make your Livejournal private.