May 29, 2006 01:28
1. Name:
2. Date of birth:
3. Where you live:
4. What makes you happy:
5. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:
6. Do you read my journal?:
7. If yes, what makes it especially good or bad?:
8. An interesting fact about you:
9. Are you in love/do you have a crush at the moment?:
10. Favourite place to spend time:
11. Favourite lyric:
12. The best time of the year:
1. A film:
2. A book:
3. A band, a song, or album:
1. One thing you like about me:
2. Two things you like about yourself:
3. Look at my friends-list and tell what you like about one of our mutual friends:
4. Put this in your journal so that I can tell you what I like about you.
Val came over today, and we went to get manicures at Salon de Beauty. I was VERY upset to find that Trang wasn't working, or if she was, I didn't see her. Then we went to Athens for food, and stopped at Sally's to pick up one of those ear-piercing kit things. When we got home, I woke Deborah up so she and Val could do my second holes. Then I went to work and Mark gave me a ride home, and we were peeling out on all the corners. We turned it into a contest, *wink*. Ummm that's about it. Besides the fact that Nick Boakye is sleeping over tonight and I want to shoot myself in the face from excessive amounts of Spongebob and Pokemon.