{ff/f(x)} forget, never forget

Jun 05, 2010 20:56

TITLE: forget, never forget
FANDOM: f(x)
PAIRING: Sulli/Krystal
CAMEOS (in order of screentime): Victoria, Amber, Luna
LENGTH: oneshot
GENRE: fluff
SUMMARY:  Sulli realizes something in the middle of their performance. She wonders if she should just forget the whole thing.

↬NOTE(S): I'm not sure if this is how their sitting arrangements in the van work, nor if they actually pick Krystal up from home.  I don't even know about their sleeping arrangements in the apartment.  /facepalm

☁ ☁ ☁

Carefully arranged, Sulli's smile manages to stay, unwavering, on her face until the song ends.
She's just had an epiphany.
Things aren't what they seem and she's more than disillusioned.  She feels as the world has turned upside down just to let her tumble out.

Back at the apartment, Sulli measures her height with growing displeasure.  She's a giant now.  She practically towers over all her other members.

"At least" she thinks, "it feels that way."

Sulli hears Luna singing scales in the bathroom when a knock comes on her door.  She hastily puts away her measuring tape before saying, "come in!" in a bright, unaffected voice.  It's Victoria and she has a hesitant smile on her face.

"You okay?  You seemed a little down today..." she says in her lilting voice.  Sulli is at once grateful for the concern and for the smile.  Victoria's not one to waste smiles on people.  The one that stays on Victoria's face atop the stage is nothing compared to the ones she gives for free, sincere.

"Yeah, just...tired."
Sulli tries to avoid Victoria's eyes and Sulli can almost feel Victoria's urge to ask more.  Instead, Victoria gives a barely audible sigh.

"Alright" she acquiesces.  "Get some rest.  We have another busy day waiting for us."

The door closes behind Victoria.

When Sulli lies in her bed, about to fall asleep, all she can look forward to is the sleepy look Krystal is going to have when they pick her up bright and early tomorrow.  Sulli groans inwardly at herself.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid" she mutters.  Then she falls asleep.


Sulli can't think of an excuse when she enters the van last and sees that her usual spot is taken.  Amber's already fast asleep and Sulli doesn't have the heart to wake her up.

"Oh well" Sulli thinks.  She looks over at Krystal's usual spot, which is adjacent to Sulli's usual seat.  Except that today, Amber's taking charge of Sulli's seat and even spilling over into Krystal's space.  Sulli climbs into the back, past Luna with her earphones on, near Victoria.

Victoria's combing her hair when Sulli sits and the van's engine starts.

"Feeling better?" Victoria asks.  The portable brush clicks shut and it disappears into Victoria's bag.

"I think so" Sulli says.  And she wishes it to be true.  She's spent the whole morning telling herself that she's going to forget it.

Forget the fact that she realized yesterday in the middle of their last performance of the day.
Forget the reality of her little crush on Kyrstal Jung.


Just as Sulli expects, Krystal gives their manager a hearty greeting when they arrive in front of Krystal's house.  Krystal's mother is wrapped in a coat that's probably hiding her pajamas.  Her mother looks tired and Sulli has never failed to be amazed at how Krystal's mother is able to get up in time for her daughter's crazy schedule to make breakfast.

Krystal's mother hands the manager some coffee through the driver's seat window and the manager accepts with a guilty expression, saying, "you spoil me too much Mrs. Jung."

The second the van door opens, Sulli feels the cold outside air swirl at her ankles.  She shudders and draws her legs up, curling into herself.  By this time, Amber's semi-awake, but Victoria is drowsing; Luna keeps humming with her eyes closed.  Everyone somehow manages to squeak out a greeting though.  So does Sulli.

Sulli expects Krystal to sit where she usually does with her characteristic sleepy face that Sulli can only see in the dark morning.  Instead, Krystal surprises Sulli by telling Amber to "keep your feet up on my seat" and by squishing into the back where Sulli and Victoria are.

"Hey" she says softly to Sulli when she notices Victoria nodding off in the corner.

"Hey" Sulli says back.

Krystal heaves a sleepy sigh as she settles herself in the seat.  Kyrstal stuffs her bag under the seat and when she comes up, her arm brushes Sulli's causing Sulli to scooch aside.  But just as immediately, Krystal twists her arm through Sulli's.

"I'm sleepy" she whines jokingly into Sulli's ear.  Then she rests her head on Sulli's shoulder.  "Mmm...nice..."

When Krystal falls asleep on Sulli's shoulder, Sulli starts to feel comfortable in her tall frame.  And when Krystal whispers Sulli's name in her sleep, Sulli starts to think that a crush might be an experience that she's never going to forget.

[❣]: ƒ(x), [centric]: sulli, %fanfiction, [pair]: jjungssul, [+]: fluff, [l]: tall

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