I really need a new PDA or a new set of eyes.

Aug 29, 2008 22:20

I have figured out why I need my pda so much. Mine is dead and not refixable. I am now back to books of the bound variety. I can live without fanfic. I can't however adjust the damn font size in my books! The words are too small! I don't have a way to get a new PDA at this time and neither can I afford to buy books in large print. I have a houseful of books that give me a headache to read for any length of time. I just got my vision checked and the doctor said that my prescription has not changed. He also said the remaining damage to my optic nerve is permanent and irreversible. I am going through reading withdrawal. Geeze sometimes getting older is not as much fun as other times. I'm looking on ebay but all the pdas are out of my price range. Argh!
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