Dec 22, 2006 16:47
Ok so me and My sister Chelsea(18) are sick of our sister Elise(21)
WHY??? Because she rides my parents for everything and me and chelsea get shit all!!! We dont care about getting presents and stuff for christmas, but seriously ELISE! FUCK....." my i wrote my christmas list!!! i want everything on there, it's only september but i wrote it early so you get me everything" " mum i helped you last week with something on the computer, i want and extra present this year becuase of it" " mum i feel sick today, can you drive me the 30mins to work, cuase i dont think i can make it" " mum natalie looked at me funny" "mum chelsea said i was lazy"
She plays my parents and we are sick of it!!! Yesterday it was: MUM " here are some biscuits i got from my work, you girls can share them cuase i dont like shortbread"
After mum left it was elise saying " I ate 2, you can both have only 2, if you have anymore im not letting you have the rest, and mum will agree cuase you ate some biscuits the other day" hahaha she left the room, and me and chelsea put some of them (like 15) in the biscuit jar to see if she went and ate more..... about 3 hrs later i got the biggest abuse ever from Elise, saying she is calling mum cuase it's not fare that we ate heaps and she didnt get too!!! I told her that we hide them and she hasnt spoken to me and chelsea since!!! LOL Turns out she went and ate 5 more of them, thats how many we left in the packet!!!
She doesnt do house work, doesnt pay rest, refuses to wash the dishes becuase she now "feels sick" she "fainted" last nite, suprisinly no one was home when it happend. No wonder she fainted, she wears her dressing gown all day, with a jumper and tracksuit pants in the middle of a HOT SUMMER, and no air-con is allowed when there is the smoke hanging around, it was so hot i was wearing my underwear, so was ethan!!! "mum my car is broken" ok well mum will pay $1000's and has already for her car, if me and chelsea says "mum car is broken" Well mum and dad say, save up and pay for it!!!
This is how me and chelsea can tell Elise is the FAVORITE, we now all have our licences and so we can drive, Elise was so freaked out at driving a manual she got her auto licence at 20yrs old, me and chelsea both got it at 18yrs. Chelsea has only had hers for a few mths, elise is over 1 yr now, me 5 yrs.... when i was 18 for the first week mum said she was so worried about me driving at night she couldnt sleep, and it has been the same for Chelsea, Elise however...........she worrys about her driving to work, driving home from work, driving to the shops, if she isnt home at the "right" time mum will call her!!! WTF????
Do you think the treatment my parents are giving her is turning her into a werid, anti social person. the only people she speaks to is my cousin who is 21, but she doesnt want to hang out with Elise cause she talks to much about TV. And the kids at childcare.
Never had a boyfriend....had her first kiss about 1 yr ago, after me and my friend helped her out with finding a boy. Didnt want to date him in the end, becuase he doesnt look like chad michael murray.
She is having like 10million kids and adopting too, her house is going to be the same at the 7th heaven house, her kids are going to be all the same as them also!!!
I tell her she needs to get out more to meet a guy or get online on those love sites. What do i get for saying that " Stop picking on your sister, there is nothing wrong with her"
Ok as you can see this was long and i have a major issue with my sister, who is now having a tv marathon by herself of Felcity, she bought all the box sets!!! And on sunday is having a movie marathon at the cinema she decided to have, all alone!!! Like always!!
ok well i hope everyone else is well, i picked up my family photos, and i'll scan them for you to see!!!