DropBox and KeePass; Two Great Tastes, That Taste Great Together

Apr 03, 2011 17:02

Can’t take the credit for this idea, Lifehacker and many others got there long before me. I’m just chiming in to share my experience and endorse the process to others.

The first part is is KeePass, a great open-source password management program for Windows with ports to Linux, OS X, Android, Windows Mobile, Blackberry and iPhone.  Out of the box, KeePass is simple and efficient, offering solid encryption, sorting and organization of passwords and optional secure password generator. For those that want a little more, there are goodies like global hotkeys and drag/drop support, as well as a robust plugin development community if your needs really run far afield.

The second part is the well-known cloud storage and synchronization app/service, DropBox.  Free accounts come with 2GB of storage with the ability to purchase or earn more (a bit more on that later). Once installed, DropBox efficiently monitors a special folder on your computer for changes.  As files in this folder (or subfolders) are modified or added, DropBoz seamless updates the same files and folders on all other computers you have installed your copy of DropBox on. So changes from work, laptop, home or mobile device all stay harmoniously coordinated.

Now to bring them both together.

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Originally published at Cafe Arcane. Please leave any comments there.

facebook, dropbox, backup, technology, security, cloud, linkedin, storage, keepass, livejournal

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