twelfth hymn [ .action/voice/video. ]

Jul 20, 2009 21:54

[Tear seems to be in a slow process of expanding her wardrobe. While she may not have recognized the outfit itself, she was strangely drawn to this when she found it in a shop, so now she's wearing it.]

[Although she's failing at the being-a-girl aspect of shopping, seeing as she's practicing with her knives in the woods. Her journal lays open near one of the trees she's using as a target, resulting in a fairly regular thunk sound and a visual of small, triangular knives sticking out of the trunk of a tree at various heights. Eventually she'll come over to retrieve her knives as she only has six of them, so feel free to talk to her.]

still a soldier, hi new clothes., tear is bad at being a girl, practice, wardrobe changes

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