Regarding my entry last night, I just want to clarify that even though I believe that events are fated and unalterable, it does not mean that people are not responsible for their fucking decisions and it does not mean I am not going to blame them if they decide to act like bastards. If you're fated to act like that, than I'm fated to despise you for it. There.
I can't deal with HUMANITY! Ergh, people either fucking digust or annoy me. Honestly. Everyone, including me undeniably, is so fucked up *looks above* why did you put me here?
Anyway, on a lighter note, I'm so sore and tired right now, but it’s a good feeling : ) This is what Kathy and I have in plan for the week.
Monday: Tennis for an hour, run for an hour
Tuesday: Pilates for an hour
Wednesday: Run for around an hour
Thursday: Tae Box / Pilates
Friday: Racquetball / Tennis + running
We are so determined to exercise as much as we can before we get buried with exams and papers.
I'm enjoying not having to work this week. It's allowing me to have more time to do whatever I please.
I was thinking today and I became a bit upset by the fact that we are already into the second semester of college. Even though the first semester of college was enjoyable (disregarding schoolwork and classes), I am still looking for something more.
If I could only change who I am.
But people don't change, do they?
Hins tells me
I will find my way, I want a different way
After the wind and rain, There'll be a brand new day
Hacken says
別流淚 心酸 更不應捨棄
EO2 declares
其實微雨過後 會有更多玫瑰
Eason belives
人總需要勇敢生存 我還是重新許願
F.I.R. states
Hold your tears
No matter what the people say
只有相信一種堅持 一種力量
能把失敗都摧毀 能把失敗都摧毀
and that
痛過的淚水 換來是甜美
And even if I don't listen to any of them, I gotta listen to Miriam, who says...
歲月長 衣裳薄
and that
如果想照耀萬人 請加點信心
如果想抱住情人 請吸取教訓
如果想快樂做人 請敲敲你心
如果可磊落做人 你會更吸引
and that
是場遊戲 為何勞氣 做人認眞只會苦了自己
別談自己 就談論大市今天算合理
是場遊戲 盡人事但到底都靠運氣
兒嬉有道理 嚴肅可致死 何必要 動真氣
Maybe if I keep repeating it to myself, I'll believe it eventually.
Probably not.