Dec 30, 2005 03:31
Spent more money this week than I have spent in the past few months. It's a bit ridiculous. I just did the calculations, and I spent around $250 in three days! And what's even more amusing is that I only spent a little more than $100 on shopping, meaning that aside from the $16 I spent on singing K, the rest was spent on FOOD!! >.< did that happen? I definitely eat too much.
But I guess this doesn't happen all the often. After all, it's a special occasion-Ms. SANDY came back from Florida to visit!! : ) That girl has been gone for FIVE YEARS! Hard to imagine how the last time we saw each other, we were all only around 13 years old! Time does fly by. Anyhow, Sandy and I wanted to surprise Momo and Bonnie, and she was supposed to show up at Bonnie's house on Tuesday morning, but they guessed that she was coming over at like midnight on Monday. We ended up driving out to Boston and picking her up at the hotel and we all slept over at Bonnie's house. We were so excited that Bonnie drove down a one way street (for a WHILE) until the police pulled us over :P Fortunately, he was nice and just told us to turn around:)
Anyhow, it was definitely fun and it was nice to see Sandy again, but my wallet is telling me that I should stay home more often and just watch series :P And speaking of which, just finished re-watching Golden Faith. When I was watching Life Made Simple, it actually didn't renew my obsession with Jessica, but then watching Golden Faith again did the job >.< I absolutely LOVE her in it! She looked so, so, so pretty in it! <3 And even though I'm definitely not a GJ fan, I still think Rachel and Ivan were soooooooo sweet together!! <3 <3 <3 *dreamy look*
'tis all for now. No more series for now since I have to work tomorrow unfortunately. Oh well, got to make some money to cover all that I've spent :p
people & things that make me happy,
my love for food,
my obsessions