Family Ties Part 13

Apr 17, 2009 12:00

Family Ties

Part 13:

It was a long night for Chris as he helped sooth his little brother during the night’s grieving. Ezra had clung to him until he exhausted himself out from crying; even then the boy had tight grasp onto him during his sleep. Chris was finally able to lay him down when the tight fists uncurled in pleasant dreams. They didn’t last long before Ezra screamed awake to one nightmare or another. It wasn’t until Chris joined him in bed and held onto him that the nightmares were held at bay and they were both able to get some sleep. With the first rays of light reaching into the room he quietly got out of bed so as to not wake the sleeping child.

Today he and the town’s other peacekeepers would be heading out to search for the bandits that attacked and killed Ezra’s mother, her fiancé, and the other men from the ranch that were slain. The Judge had asked for their assistance in capturing the bandits, he of course accepted when he heard of Maude’s death. He owed it to his little brother to capture the men responsible for tearing his mother away from him.

He was worried though about leaving Ezra though with the news of her death being so fresh. The Judge had assured him that he and Mary would watch over him until their return. He didn’t figure it would be more than a few days, especially with the news of the gang heading in their direction. With his growing relationship with Mary, he figured it would be a good idea for Ezra to spend time with her and Billy; especially now that Chris would be keeping custody of Ezra with his mother’s death.  Billy was a good kid and right around Ezra’s age. It would do them both some good to have someone their own age to play with. Deciding to let Ezra sleep as much as he could he headed out of the room and would arrange for Mary to sit with him while he meet the other men and made plans for their departure.

Making his way towards the saloon after getting Mary’s acceptance to sit with Ezra, he spotted Buck and JD over at the jail and called for them to get the others and meet him in the saloon. Vin was sitting outside with the chair kicked up on two legs for all the world looking fast asleep.

“Morning Cowboy”


“Long night?”

“Yeah, I’ll tell you all about it once the others arrive.”

That got Vin’s attention. He wasn’t sure what went on after Chris and Ezra headed off for their talk, but neither was heard from for the rest of the night. He wondered about the somber mood Chris seemed to be in and didn’t think there was good news attached to it. Nodding he stood up and followed Chris inside and awaited the other guys.

Chris felt a bit of déjà vu when all the peacekeepers were sitting around the table once again. It felt just like the time when he broke the news to them about Ezra.

“We’re heading out in an hour. We have a gang to track down.”

“What these hombres do?” Buck sat forward a bit; it’s been so quite lately he could do with some fighting.

“Attacked a ranch and killed everyone there, including Maude.” Chris bowed his head a little at. Granted Maude was not one of his favorite people since he had found the abuse on Ezra, but he never really stood for women being killed.

“Damn” the sentiment was shared by all the men around the table.

“How’d Ezra take the news?” Buck couldn’t help but feel bad for the little boy, so many changes in his life and now to lose his mother.

“Not too good, he had nightmares throughout the night. Mary is sitting with him right now. I need to wake him up and let him know where we’re headed and that he will be staying with Mary while we are gone. Get your gear, we leave in an hour.” With that Chris got up and left the saloon.

When he entered the room he saw Mary sitting quietly next to the bed reading while Ezra was still asleep. Motioning her to the door he thanked her for sitting with him and that he would bring him to her home after he explained what was happening.

“She gone?”

Chris was a bit surprised to hear the question, he thought Ezra was sleeping. “Yes Ezra I asked Mary to sit with you while I spoke with the guys. How are you doing?”

“I’m Fine”

“Okay. I’m heading out in a little bit to track down the men responsible for your mother’s death.”

“I will be joining you gentlemen in your endeavor.”

“Not going to happen. You’re staying here with Mary and Billy. Chasing after bandits is my job and not a place for a boy.”

“She was my mother; I have the right to retribution.”

“Ezra I understand you wanting to see justice done, but it is too dangerous for you to go riding into a shootout. I promise I will get these men Ezra.”

He watched the tight nod of agreement from Ezra, he knew the boy was angry with him, but he was not going to change his mind in this. It was too dangerous.

Chris watched in silence as Ezra got dressed for the day. “Ready for some breakfast before you head over to Mary’s?”

“Not hungry sir”

Chris nodded; he wasn’t surprised the boy didn’t have much of an appetite this morning. He decided not to push the issue of eating; he figured Mary would have made plenty of treats for the boys today. “Alright then let’s get you settled over at Mary’s before I take off.”

mag7, ezra, old west, chris, little ezra, magnificent seven, family ties

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