Apr 24, 2005 12:46
this weekend has been super fun ash rode her bike over to my house
friday around 3ish maybe in the pouring rain then we hung out for a
while then we went for a bike ride in the rain boy do i love ashley!
hahaha dani was up north and she decided to text message stuff to me
and they were really random hah i love you to dani! madi is probaly
dieing of boredom up north cuz its her and her sister and her sisters
friend..lol then ash and i had nothin to do on a friday night so we
decided to watch raise your voice for some reason, some parts of that
movie are really corney and some are sad but over all the movie was OK.
hah then we stayed up and we needed a good laugh so we wanted to watch
gold member hah we were only watching that for about 10 minutes then i
was like i'm tired and like passed out and so we shut the movie off so
much for the good laugh! hah oh well. well then it was saturday and we
wanted to go to the boys vball game so we got up at like 8 but then we
were too tired to go so we just fell back ashleep and i was like but
were gona miss it ash! and shes like oh well i dont care!..hah by the
way it was also SNOWING!! geez oh man its april and its snowing thats
just too wierd, then we decided to *try to bike to her house which is
like way not close to mine and we only got to like crumbs and ashleys
bike broke and i was like oh joy and it was also freezing cold and
rainging out so then ashley miss repair girl is like its ok! i can fix
it and all this black greese got all over her hah i was like um
right....so actually she did fix it in like a minute, that was good
then we went back home and then we decided to go to crumbs
? so we went to crumbs and it was super awesome in there we had some
raspberry thingey boy was it raspberry it was like sour hah then we had
a peanut butter cookie and they were soo squishy! hah they were really
good tho, then we came back home in the rain/snow and we got warm again
and then we decided to go back to crumbs, we had 2 more peanut butter
cookies, but they were way too squishy so we didnt exactly eat them. it
was later around like 3ish when we tried to go bowling but there was
like a gay tournment so we couldnt so then we thought we would go to a
movie and wow..boy did we get the times mixed up geez thats too long of
a story to tell.<3 hah then we went online at like 6 and jerrica was
on and we were like oh do u wana go to the movie with us!??!! and she
couldnt cuz she had to babysit her sister i think so we went to the
movie anyways without her/ jerrica we did miss you tho!! but we can go
some other time..hah im excited for this coming weekend..<3