I love waking up to 17 new e-mails in my inbox. I definitely love my flist, haha♥.
AAAAAAAAAND!! I just finished reading Epico: Chapter 15!! SOOOOOO MUCH LOVE! omg, I can't even express how much I loved it. it was so cute, sad, and LOVEY DOVEY...ALL IN ONE! *dies*
and now for a meme that Ellin/
sapphire_child tagged me with!
5 Guilts
Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Steak
for the sake of the animals, I would totes be a vegetarian, but steak? who could give up STEAK? I LOOOVE THE STEAK! *dies*
Literary: definitely Epico Epico is aaaall about sex and all my friends know IRL, I am so not sex savvy. oh well. good literature is good literature. Audiovisual: VERONICA MARS I've only been watching VMars for like...3 weeks but I HAVE NEVER LIKED ANY TV SHOW MORE! I've watched all 41 episodes in 2 1/2 weeks and some episodes twice. MY VERONICA MARS LOVE IS ETERNAL!
Musical: Backstreet Boys I used to LOVE BSB, then I didn't really listen to their new album when I got it...but now, I have become REOBSESSED!
Celebrity: Kristen Bell *gush* she is the cutest thing ever and is ultimately my idol. I mean, just LOOK at her and she's friggin VERONICA MARS!
Now I tag:-
saphira_drag starstruck__x savvy_elf tel0r and
enders_girl to complete this same Quiz, Its