It's not cheating if no one cares, right?

Sep 17, 2010 21:25

Bad Assery is not something I'm well rehearsed in - far from it actually. So far so, that I get heart palpitations and sweat profoundly whenever I litter, in fear that someone yells at me for being the sole reason our planet is dying, as my discarded tissue drifts away killing thousands of dolphins and whales.

I abide by a code of avoiding any possible confrontations by any means which probably means I go out of my way to be on everyone’s good side. This means I always (usually) play fair when it comes to things such as assignments or tests - I never cheat nor do I peer over people’s work and glance at their answers. And that is why, just yesterday, I was at home feeling guilty instead of at uni being grouchy.

No, I didn't cheat. What I'm feeling absolutely terrible about, was having to lie to my mother about feeling extremely sick to get out of coming in. Ever since I've been released from the hospital a few months back, my mum has been hounding me about my health and has been relentlessly worrying about the potential for another allergy attack, just waiting for me to break out into hives again.

So when I told her I was 'sick', she started panicking because obviously I was going to die by a stomach ache. She told me to go online to check the side effects of the new medication I'm taking (which did list stomach cramps as a serious symptom - but I didn't tell her that!), asked if I wanted to go to the doctors and then called me every two hours to check up if I was still alive. I love my Mum, but man, this lady needs to calm down - I just wanted to study!

Okay, so I was also feeling guilty because I thought my friends would think taking a whole day off to study for a test the next day was 'cheating'. But when I went to uni today and told them I wasn't sick and fearing they would judge me... No1currr!

I'm a little offended.

never again will i attempt to be bad ass, guilty as charged

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