My day was pretty daydream-like today.
Reminds me of these Smiths' lyrics:
And I'm not happy and I'm not sad...
That's how I felt today..hard to describe..
I still like ______. Unfortunately, she does not like me...ahh, bittersweet unrequited love is, no?
Here is a lame line of verse I wrote earlier in Math class:\
I sail a gray and spindrift sea
Periphery of your heart
To greet dawn’s false promise
Of every living day
Your smile cuts piercing swath
Encompassing me in warmth
A lighthouse beacon
Passing over and gone
To all, you share with equanimity
And leave me cold and daft
The one to hold your light
Light and time to aching heart
Lost, adrift in timeless night
In the grips of a lee shore..
Kinda lame, I'll edit it later, maybe...
Oh, here are a few pictures taken yesterday...
...It's so easy to's so easy to takes strength to be gentle and kind...