My bulletin in response to people who post the same damn bulletin/invite many times a day, many days in a row:
ONCE or even twice (a day) IS ENOUGH PEOPLE.
I have about 10 of you who post the same bulletin 4-5 times a DAY over MULTIPLE DAYS!
Just cause you dont see it on your current top 5 does not mean we dont see it. MULTIPLE times.
If we can/want to go, we will! If we have questions, we will ask. When I see it 4-5 times a day, for half a month or more it clogs the pipes of the intraweb and makes me wonder if maybe I missed some new information or even a whole new event or important bulletin, because I start SCANNING not actually checking them all and reading. Because they ALL have different titles! Heck, even put a DATE on the title, so we IMMEDIATELY know when it is, and if its a repost.
I love you, and I dont want to lose any of you on my friendslist, or even as friends. But DAMN. I know when and where things are from 3 weeks back, 3 times a day, every day!
If someones on myspace constantly, they see them all. If they are on myspace rarely, I am sure they go through all their bulletins. The likely hood of one of those 5 daily posts just happening to be up on the top 5 and therefore read is reallly rare.
Do you know that if you have to post it a third, and so on, time for timings sake you CAN delete your previous bulletins? That's what I've done when I had to mass promote.
Please, no one take offense to this ok? I just get sick of reading 4 pages back with 2 pages worth of information. If you really have a problem with my opinion of this, and even want to delete me, just drop me a line to let me know you were that petty, ok?
Because you are all here cause I love you as friends or locations. I enjoy your company. And I totally wish I could go to all the events. I hate being broke, and NJ centered.
And please, keep inviting me! I loooove party time!
Feel free to yank it and post it yourself if you have this problem. but let me know and actually mention you didnt write it, k?