WOW. It's been ages since I've updated here. What was the last one, April or something? Holy shit, people probably thought I died.
I ain't dead, promise. And, because I'm turning into an organizational freak (ha!), here's a list of what I've been up to, in no particular order:
- Church just had Vacation Bible School two weeks ago. I was a teacher for the 8-9 year olds this year. And I O.o I'm still boggled over that. They were good kids though, and I think I learned more from them than they did from me. (Honestly, who knew that a 9 year old kid would know who the Backstreet Boys were? During their heyday, she was...barely more than a twinkle in her mother's eye. Suddenly, I feel very old.)
- The Navy has proposed the building of and OLF (Outlying Landing Field) in our area. Actually, the precise spot of the landing strip would be less than five miles from my house. It would also uproot several families that have been here since Jesus was a baby, and my church (my beautiful, history-rich, survived-the-civil-war, almost-200-years-old church!) would be in the buffer zone (the circumference of land the Navy would eventually expand into, if they wanted). Oh yeah, there's two family cemeteries they'd be taking over, too. *sigh*
- I have finally picked up the slash writing again. I think the last time I wrote slash was... uh... *blank* Anyway, does anyone remember Touch the Sky? Well, that's what I picked up the other day and started tinkering around with. I've pretty much decided to rewrite, because to me what I have so far kind of hangs in spots, though I do like the beginning. Angsty AJ is always good, in my opinion. So yes, I'll be working on that.
- OMG! Big news! I get to see my Plumsie in 12 days! In fact, 12 days from now, I'll be hanging at the hotel with her in Lancaster, PA! *does crazy happy dance of excitement* My church is taking a trip to see a play called In the Beginning, take a little tour of Amish Country, etc. We'll only be in PA for two days, and Plumsie is going to come down and stay at the same hotel so we can hang out and such. *squee*
- For Mother's Day, I received this:
Meet Alexander. An Alphasmart 2000. He can't do anything but save things that I type up and send them to the computer when I hook up the cord, but that's all I want him for (he's my bitch). He goes with me everywhere (well, 'cept the shower), and never complains when I forget to make tea, whines when it's time to go to bed, or grumbles when he's in the mood and I'm not... Okay, I think I just weirded myself out. - I'm really considering writing a Justin het story. I mean, most of what I've come across in my story searches have either been boring, clichéd, unfinished, or so horribly written that I could barely make it through a chapter. And, by story, I'm talking one of those long ones that goes on for a whole bunch of chapters and covers many years...Epic is what I'm talking about, I guess? Of course, I know me. I'd get maybe three chapters done, lose interest, then pfffft. God, I hate being like that. Why can't I stick to a story?!
- I'm really, really, really liking the new ads that Justin did for Givenchy. In fact, as soon as I finish this post, I think I'll go icon some. My icon space is sadly unused.
- I'm also really digging this song. I so need to d/l the rest of the songs from Justified. Anyone happen to have any? *bats eyelashes hopefully*
(whoops, totally hit post without meaning to)
- In case no one can tell, I'm in a Justin mood. Damn. Because, despite how some may have tried to sway me, I do not like him. I swear. *cough*
That's about all I can think of that's interesting at the moment. The kids are doing good; Kevin's gearing up for Kindergarten and Katie's already got her book bag packed for her first day of HeadStart. The hubby's still working full time--OH! He's a great uncle now! His oldest nephew (Justin. Seriously, that's his name. He also has a nephew named Alex. *smirk*) and his wife Christi had a baby girl last month. They named her Alexis and call her Lexi. But yes, my hubby's a great uncle. Which means my mother-in-law is a great-grandmother. And her mother is a great-great-grandmother. Awesome shit, man.
That's it. I'll post soon, promise!