Gacked from
turloughishere and
turps33 The rules are easy, just post 6-12 things that recently made you happy! Then tag 6 people and force them to post this meme on their LJs. Because it is good. Everyone needs a little happiness once in awhile.
1. Talking/writing with my Plumsie.
2. New.Backstreet.Music. *fangirl squee*
3. Kevin learned his Bible verse for church.
4. Captain Jack (our new kitten, not the character) curled up in bed with me last night and stayed in the same spot all night. (Okay, the character doing that would be awesome too)
5. I actually wrote slash today! (my previous entry, yo)
6. Hearing a DJ on the radio saying how much he loved the Boys music.
ckanerock helping me out.
8. DS squee-ing when I popped up on AIM the other day.
I tag you and you and you and yes, you too! Go on, do it! :)