Oct 17, 2007 08:59
1. Nags Head, NC, bay-bee. Spent a week there with the kids, mom, my aunt & uncle and a family friend, and a grand time was had by all. Got back last week.
2. Kids decided to contract explosive diarrhea while at the beach, which means the last week of my life has been spent up to my ears in dirty underwear and whines of stomachs hurting.
3. Kevin'll be going back to school tomorrow (good lord willing and the creek don't rise), and he has over two.hundred.seashells to share with his classmates. He also has a bag of sand, a photo album of beach pictures, a clump of seaweed, a neat piece of driftwood and some sea oats that he collected. I've made him promise not to share his diarrhea experience, however.
4. SugarPlum, I received your package, and I love it immensely. I feel so bad for not getting in touch with you, but I will be emailing you later today. If Ya-Whore will let me log in, that is. *endless hugs and kisses* I ♥ you
5. I have lost an astonishing thirty pounds over the summer. Woot!
6. Less than two weeks till the Boys' album. And I'm so damned tempted to go listen to all the clips of songs, but, no. I want to be surprised and experience them all firsthand in my car in the mall parking lot after buying the CD, thankyouverymuch.
7. When I got home from the doctor yesterday, there was a teensy black kitten hiding under the old trailer in our yard (the trailer belonged to my great-grandfather, he lived in it after his wife died, and now it's a combination bird nest magnet/junk place). Kitten has been 'rescued', fed, watered, spoiled rotten in less than 24 hours, and my son has named him 'Captain Jack' *smirk*
8. A tip: When your children are suffering from upset stomachs and you've just realized they have no clean underwear in the house, there is nothing wrong with fashioning a makeshift garment out of a gallon-sized ziploc bag and letting them play in the bathtub. Nothing at all. (Except, of course, when the ziploc explodes *shudders*)
9. Since I've been MIA for a while, if any pictures, stories or news have occurred in the past couple of weeks, please drop me a link here. *bats eyelashes hopefully*
10. Captain Jack has barricaded himself under my bed and, to quote my son, has "barfed grass in your shoes, Momma" *forced smile* The little shithead darling