I spent most of the day outside with the kids, trying to get my flower beds in order. They've been ignored too much in recent years, and I decided it was time I get off my ass and try to clean them up a bit. The result? My neck is sunburned (I was wearing sunscreen and it was cloudy, wtf?), my legs and back are aching like never before, I have three blisters on my fingers from pulling honeysuckle and weeds, and it took me thirty minutes to scrub the grime from my fingers.
But the irises that my grandmother planted 20-odd years ago have never looked better, in my opinion. And I cleaned up under the crepe myrtle, planted some day lillies that my aunt gave me, and tomorrow I plan on clearing out the old rosebush that my great-great grandmother brought over from Germany.
Note to self: Must start on
sparklyglee prompt.
Note to self: Must pick up where left off on
slashfic25 too.
Note to self: Procrastination is a bad thing.