
Feb 07, 2005 12:01

So...another week ahead of me and LOTS to do. I have a test today and tomorrow + a quiz and a narrative essay that's due on Wednesday morning... then finally lots of english homework and reading for ALL my classes to do. BOO! I guess you could say the semester is in full swing now. Oh well... I knew it would happen eventually. I just need to adjust... this semester is a lot harder for me than the last two put together. I know I can do it, I just need to put my mind to it and do my best.

Life otherwise isnt so bad. I look forward my weekly Sunday visit to Rochambo with Jules where we are the "tall sistah's" according to Pierre... Pierre is this old guy that comes in just about every Sunday and gives random advice to people. I love how he just talks to random people while they're sitting there drinking their tea and coffee. He often tells people not to drink... Im assuming he used to be an alcoholic which may explain his crazyness... but Julie is convinced that he's crazy because he knows the true meaning of life.... maybe so... if there is a true meaning. I will admit though, a lot of what he says does indeed make since in a peculiar way.

Well... I suppose I should get back to studying since I do have a test in a couple hours. Wish me luck. I will write again soon.

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