boys suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 25, 2003 03:42

Do i sound like a total douche bag????

Garrett: who is this?
JULZ1799: molly
Garrett: oh hey
Garrett: whats up
JULZ1799: nad just not tired u?
JULZ1799: nada*
Garrett: same same
JULZ1799: u aren't mad at me are u?
Garrett: why would i be mad at you?
Garrett: ????????
JULZ1799: ida know we just never hang anymore, thought maybe something was up with that
Garrett: no ive just been hanging out with my gf and ive been kinda busy its not that im mad at you
JULZ1799: that's cool i'm happy for you, Its just well u made a comment the other day that kinda hurt me
JULZ1799: you called me a fat fucking boot which was kinda harsh
Garrett: why what did i say
JULZ1799: i have been trying to talk to you about it....there just really hasn't been a good time
Garrett: oh, dustin and jenn told me that i called you a big fat boot, and i didnt understand why that was mean i always call you a boot
JULZ1799: yeah and that dosn't bother me, but u didn't have to call a "fat fucking" boot!
JULZ1799: boot is good enough
Garrett: i didnt call you a "fat fucking" boot according to jenn dustin and heather
JULZ1799: well that is what i thought i heard
Garrett: but im sorry if i did
JULZ1799: all is forgiven......i just wanted to let you know that it wasn't cool
JULZ1799: i should have just come to you first and told you it bothered me
JULZ1799: i just didn't think you would care
Garrett: yeah well you know i wouldnt say someting to hurt you
JULZ1799: i know that, i just have been taking everything way 2 personally lately
Garrett: yeah its ok you just need to have more fun and drink more
JULZ1799: lol yeah i had fun tonight.... i have just been so stressed lately
Garrett: yeah thats like me also
JULZ1799: yeah a thousand is a lot of money to come up with
Garrett: i dont need that much but i wnat that mushc
JULZ1799: lol same difference

Garrett: oh yeah
JULZ1799: lol

JULZ1799: so greg told me people have been talking shit about me lately but he wouldn't tell me who
Garrett: i have no idea what you are tslking about
Garrett: anyway im about to leave but ill talk to you later
JULZ1799: okay have a good night hun
Garrett: have a good noght
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