Title: Loveless Fascination
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Nemu
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my characters, just my interpretation of them.
Prompt: Loveless Fascination
Notes: May
chat_exchange fic for
calmingeffects, part one.
Word Count: 219
Warnings: Randomness seems to be a good warning with my fics, so we'll stick with that.
She watches his movements around his precious lab, ordered to a corner where she could and would stay out of his way. This man is the one that made her, so she owes him her life; she has been told so on many ocassions. She was his to do with as he pleased. Hitting, kicking, stab wounds; she has endured them all for the sake of this man and his goals. But he has never once acknowledged her, just using her like one of his tools in his laboratory.
She knows others watch her with pity in their eyes, wishing and wanting to do something to save her from this bad place that they think she is in, but she doesn't want it so. There are times when he acknowledges something she does for him, even if he does act as if he were the one that caused a tool to move that did whatever great thing. She is content for as long as he sees the things she does for him.
She does not love him, nor is she particularly fond of him, but she does owe him her existence, so she will continue to sit in the corner and watch his movements, waiting for the next time that he calls on his tool.
Critic please.