Welly welly well...i remeber why i havent been on this dumbass LJ anymore...ITS CAUSE EVERYTHING YOU EVER WRITE ALWAYS GET DELETED BEFORE YOU CAN EFFING POST IT!I just went to post something and BOOM it was all gone jeeeeeeeeeeez Well i woke up about 55 minutes ago lol (i was being a lazy ass today) and i had the craZiest dream EVER...i had a baby with Angalina Jolie AND SHE DIDNT EVEN HAVE A PENIS all i did was kiss her,and it ended up looking a litle like Leland and i didnt even see Leland in my dream lol....holy hell i had the cutest baby in all the LAND! In one part of my dream when he was about 2 or 3 i found him playin outside in the mud wearing nothing but a diper, and i was like AHHH JOHNNY (thats what his name was even tho i dont like that name for my son atall) and he came running up to me with a big smile and all muddy and he gave me the biggest hug ever and all of a sudden i wasnt mad at all anymore,then i just brough him inside and washed his cute little muddy feet and held him watching TV and he fell asleep on me...I WANT A BABY!! HURRY.....QUICK....GIVE ME YOUR SPERM! (kidding) HAHAHA! >_< Well umm seeing as how i havent been up that long i dont have much to talk about other them my dream so uhh....PEACE NIGGAS!