May 25, 2005 19:22
MySkinIsCavingIn: Just give me a day that i can stop by and get my things
Leland4629: Why?
Leland4629: And what things?
MySkinIsCavingIn: my CD and whever elce is mine
Leland4629: What stuff?
Leland4629: You don't have anything other than your CD.
MySkinIsCavingIn: well then i want that
Leland4629: Jesus. Making a big deal out of a CD.
MySkinIsCavingIn: leland
Leland4629: What?
Leland4629: You've been lying to me since day 1.
MySkinIsCavingIn: ok ill make up my own day
Leland4629: I don't know why I even went out with you. You lied to me about seeing other guys, about hacking into my screen name and e-mail, about EVERYTHING.
MySkinIsCavingIn: ive told u to many times to tell u again
MySkinIsCavingIn: just give me a god damn day i can stop by so i can stop talkin to ur mean ass
Leland4629: So you can stop talking to my mean ass?
MySkinIsCavingIn: yes
Leland4629: And you really want your CD back?
MySkinIsCavingIn: yep
MySkinIsCavingIn: .......
MySkinIsCavingIn: did u just ask me those questions for no reason?
Leland4629: Come get it right fucking now if you want it so bad.
MySkinIsCavingIn: i cant right now!
Leland4629: Why not?
MySkinIsCavingIn: either later tomorrow or this weekend
MySkinIsCavingIn: bc i dont have a ride
MySkinIsCavingIn: and i have to sneek over there bc my mom doenst want me to be near u
Leland4629: Sorry, won't be here later tomorrow.
Leland4629: Why>?
Leland4629: Because she'd rather you be hanging out with nymphomaniac pot-heads?
Leland4629: Yeah. Your mom is a real fucking smart one.
Leland4629: Jesus fucking Christ.
MySkinIsCavingIn: bc when i would get around u or talk to u i would get depressed and she donsnt want me like that anymore
Leland4629: So being around crazy, deranged pot-heads is way better, I take it.
MySkinIsCavingIn: quit talkin shit leland
Leland4629: You people lead fucked up lives.
MySkinIsCavingIn: shut up god damn
Leland4629: I'm sorry Krystee, you only went up to NY and did crack with your sister, from what I hear.
MySkinIsCavingIn: i just IMed u to ask when i could get my things and now ur turn it into somthing HUGE
MySkinIsCavingIn: what!
MySkinIsCavingIn: U just love to make things up to piss me off
MySkinIsCavingIn: y cant u stop
MySkinIsCavingIn: u dont see me makin fun of u or sayin shit about ur family
Leland4629: Yeah you do.
Leland4629: Behind my fucking back.
MySkinIsCavingIn: no i dont
Leland4629: Like how I made out with Christi.
Leland4629: And how much of an asshole I am.
MySkinIsCavingIn: hmm
MySkinIsCavingIn: i havent talked about u in a while
MySkinIsCavingIn: bc i dont care about u anymore sorry
Leland4629: So, of course. I guess I have to live up to being what you called me.
Leland4629: So I'm being an asshole alright.
Leland4629: Oh. Ouch.
Leland4629: It hurts.
MySkinIsCavingIn: yes...sorry but right now u are
MySkinIsCavingIn: ur actin like it does
MySkinIsCavingIn: dont u like rachel or somthing....go out with her so u wont be so miserable
MySkinIsCavingIn: DAMN
Leland4629: No, I don't.
Leland4629: Thanks for talking shit again.
MySkinIsCavingIn: what?
Leland4629: Saying I like Rachel.
Leland4629: No, you never talk shit about me.
Leland4629: Ever.
MySkinIsCavingIn: no ive just heard that u and her where huggin and makin out at allys
MySkinIsCavingIn: i didnt say U SAID U LIKED RACHEL
Leland4629: No thanks. That's alright though, beleive everything you hear.
Leland4629: When?
MySkinIsCavingIn: i said DONT u like rachel as in asking a question
MySkinIsCavingIn: umm apprently u u believe everything u hear
Leland4629: Ok.
Leland4629: Just fucking come over some time.
MySkinIsCavingIn: saturday or sunday
Leland4629: Jesus Christ.
Leland4629: I don't care, honestly.
MySkinIsCavingIn: well i need a day
Leland4629: Why can't it be a weekday?
MySkinIsCavingIn: bc when i DO try to stop by ur not there
Leland4629: Oh yeah, your boyfriend works on the weekends.
MySkinIsCavingIn: bc im busy
Leland4629: You have to stay at home and make out with him and suck his dick all day.
MySkinIsCavingIn: he works on the weekdays too
MySkinIsCavingIn: no
MySkinIsCavingIn: i havent even made out with him yet
MySkinIsCavingIn: sorry
MySkinIsCavingIn: y are u being so mean
MySkinIsCavingIn: grr
Leland4629: Because I'm tired of you talking shit about me.
Leland4629: You can't even say you don't, EVERYONE says you do.
Leland4629: It isn't just a few people, it's EVERYONE that knows you.
MySkinIsCavingIn: mmhmm and whos everyone
MySkinIsCavingIn: go on leland
MySkinIsCavingIn: tell me who EVERYONE is
Leland4629: Everyone in the high school that talks to you.
Leland4629: That's fucking who.
MySkinIsCavingIn: names?
Leland4629: Just come on by whenever you damn well please.
Leland4629: Not like you were actually going to plan a time and make it here that day.
MySkinIsCavingIn: ok
Leland4629: You haven't for the past 2 times you've done that
Leland4629: You were out getting drunk and high with Danielle one of the times.
MySkinIsCavingIn: i called last saturday night and u wernt home
MySkinIsCavingIn: no
MySkinIsCavingIn: ive never been high or drunk with danielle
Leland4629: Kay, sorry.
Leland4629: Like I know who you were with?
MySkinIsCavingIn: no never with kay either
Leland4629: Hah. You know what's uber funny?
MySkinIsCavingIn: whats UBER funny?
Leland4629: Cody said two weeks ago to Rachel he was in love with Danielle.
Leland4629: Then the next week he liked Christi and was in love with Rachel.
MySkinIsCavingIn: thats cool
Leland4629: And now he's probably "in love" with you.
Leland4629: Dunno. Just stating the obvious.
Leland4629: The fact that your boyfriend is going on a road trip this summer.
MySkinIsCavingIn: no hes not
MySkinIsCavingIn: i talked to him about it
Leland4629: That's not what I'm hearing.
Leland4629: Oh, did you offer sex if he stayed?
MySkinIsCavingIn: no
MySkinIsCavingIn: sorry
MySkinIsCavingIn: but im sure that if i offered it to u youd do anything
MySkinIsCavingIn: if ANYONE offered it to u
Leland4629: No thanks.
Leland4629: Sorry, I got offered last weekend.
MySkinIsCavingIn: quit talkin shit leland
Leland4629: By 2 people.
Leland4629: Turned them both down.
MySkinIsCavingIn: thats great
Leland4629: So, that's alright.
MySkinIsCavingIn: im sure u did
Leland4629: You don't have to bitch about something you know nothing about.
MySkinIsCavingIn: HA
Leland4629 signed off at 7:19:43 PM.