Jun 12, 2005 22:20
today was a lomg day.
went with my unlce cousin and someothers to ship horses, sounds easy? yeah its not. got hurt bc an asshole groom tried to show off, now my eyes all fucked up. asshole. grrr. i hate dumb people who try to be oh so great and reality is they SUCK.
found out shit that made me feel better/ speeds up a too slow method, no maybe it slowed it idk but i feel better about it so im gonna say its a good thing.
my uncle has decided that next time he gets a room in alantic city i get it and get to take a few friends with me and spend the day. "take a bus down, enjoy the day and room, go to the boardwalk, and ill pick you up and take you home the next afternoon.' sounds good to me.
found out why ive been getting so many nasty IMs from a certain gf of a certain friend. meh it still pisses me off, i didnt do anything yell at your boyfrined not me.
had the most fucked up dream ever, & found out some distrubing stuff, yeah thats all. night.