Sep 26, 2005 12:57
Convo with JAROD-
WaReIsMyMyNd: yo
dorkishx420: yo yo yoy oy oy
dorkishx420: i tried callin u the other night
WaReIsMyMyNd: really? did i talk to you last night?
dorkishx420: nahh! lol
dorkishx420: why were u fucked up ... again???\
WaReIsMyMyNd: no i was sitting home i guess it was a dream
WaReIsMyMyNd: i had a dream about u the other day
WaReIsMyMyNd: that u came to daytona.............were with some black dude.....he got u knocked up and u had this little mixed baby girl that grew in like 2 days and could talk and shit
WaReIsMyMyNd: it was fucked
dorkishx420: omg
dorkishx420: rotfl.
Convo with Chrissy's boyfriend, JASON:
Jasonsf150in23s: you ever find out why everyone hates me
dorkishx420: because they just dont like u
dorkishx420: and u obviously got kicked out for a reason meaning that they dont want u there to live orr hang out
dorkishx420: that is what i heard.
Jasonsf150in23s: jamie nnd brad ar wecool with me i was just hanging with them the other night
Jasonsf150in23s: they booted me so your sister could move in
dorkishx420: yeah cause they didnt want u there
dorkishx420: && from what i understand u werent payin them when u were supposed to
Jasonsf150in23s: thats bullshiot i was giveing them every pay check
dorkishx420: not what i heard...
dorkishx420: and plus other shit that im not going to speak of.
Jasonsf150in23s: what other shit i wanna here it
Jasonsf150in23s: this is a bunch of bullshit
Jasonsf150in23s: they will never see cchrissy then cause shes dateing me abnd sges not gonna go there with out me so i dunno what too say
dorkishx420: fuck that
dorkishx420: then chrissy isnt a real friend
dorkishx420: if she isnt going to go over there without u
dorkishx420: is she with u right now
Jasonsf150in23s: no
dorkishx420: ohh.
Jasonsf150in23s: she will be
dorkishx420: ok
Jasonsf150in23s: they need to get over the fact she is still with me
dorkishx420: u make it sound like ur the greatest bf in the workd.
dorkishx420: world*
dorkishx420: jesssus.
Jasonsf150in23s: not really
dorkishx420: well the 2 of u need to get over the fact that they dont like u
Jasonsf150in23s: just pissed people have too talk shit behind my back they can be a bunch of lil bitches
dorkishx420: and if chrissy isnt going to go over there without u then she isnt a real friend
Jasonsf150in23s: i dont make her chioces she does
dorkishx420: well then thats her problem then.
dorkishx420: cause then she is going to loose some friends
Jasonsf150in23s: ok
Jasonsf150in23s: i cant control that
dorkishx420: whatever
Jasonsf150in23s: thats a bunch of bullshit
dorkishx420: im going to my boyfriends. peace!!
Jasonsf150in23s: bye
Jasonsf150in23s: whjy not evberoneelse is agaisint me
-why cant this kid understand that no one likes him...goshh!!!
im going to iggy's!!
peace out.