Apr 13, 2006 22:59
Go then, there are other worlds than these.
I feel like I'm on the edge of something great, that I'll type and words will come pouring out, all of them cohesive and beautiful and smart. I feel like the only way that will happen is if I let go of that backspace key, and just type. "If you love it, let it go", right Branden?
Jumbled up here inside my head are words about running, about college, about Ben.
I try to sort them out sometimes, and fail miserably.
College conflicts with Ben, running conflicts with college, thoughts overlap and make no sense.
It's going to sound lame, but if only I had a Pensieve.
I would be able to look at things separately, consider them without my mind wandering.
The depths of my mind would be spared.
Too bad Harry Potter world isn't real.
I want to go to Santa Cruz, I will go to Santa Cruz, but again comes that pesky business of letting go.
I used to think it'd be easy, dropping this life in San Diego and picking up another.
Those were the days before B-E-N.
But now, I'm torn between two "wants". I want I want I want.
Human nature at its finest folks.
Running is really good.
Sorting out your grey area sure does take your mind of the pain.
Pounding out your desires, your fears, your oh-so-important worries into the ground is intensely satisfying.
I will never eat pavement for breakfast.
Where oh where can my baby be...
Life is amazing, so it is.
But only to the beholder.