Really just an excuse to post photo

Jul 22, 2012 10:00

I was reading the recent spate of "Gay Pride Oreo" (aka "Rainbow Oreo") themed fics in the QaF fandom, and in commenting on one, I was led to double-check the fact that Oreo is made by Nabisco. (It is, and Nabisco is currently owned by Kraft.)

But while on Oreo's Wikipedia page, I learned something new. I'd always believed that Sunshine's Hydrox cookies were copycats of Oreo, but it's actually the other way around. Huh. You learn something new everyday. I guess I was wrong to favor Oreo over the copycat Hydrox.

But until Hydrox gets as cool as this:

I guess I'll stick with Oreo.

glbt awareness and rights

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