FIC: Mine, but I'm Willing to Share

May 25, 2012 13:45

delvalmom just posted a drabble entitled Mine, in which Brian displays the jealous side we all love so much. It inspired me to write:

Justin had a late shift at the diner, so I’d already had my dick sucked at Woody’s and chosen my probable second trick of the night by the time I spotted him on Babylon’s dance floor. He wasn’t hard to spot; he’d chosen a spot just off-center where his blond hair and skintight white t-shirt were almost continually lit by a combination of strobes and the sweeping colors.

One could be forgiven for wondering if he was dancing purely for his own pleasure or because he intended to draw them in like moths to a flame. One man after another approached close enough to touch, close enough to grind against, and though he did allow them to touch, to grab, to grind, his eyes were half closed and often turned skyward.

I didn’t wonder. He was dancing to lure me down from the catwalk, to tempt me into staking my claim to his pretty little ass once again. Every few minutes, with half-hooded eyes, he unerringly looked my way just long enough to see if I were still at the railing, and then pretend to be lost in his own world again. When I did make my move, I waited for the moment he looked away, knowing I’d be with him before he checked again.

The would-be trick had his arms wrapped around Justin from behind, one hand on Justin’s dick and the other inside his shirt. He held his ground at my approach, but watched warily as if he knew to expect a “Fuck off” in command. Justin’s eyes were closed, but his slight smile gave away that he knew I was there.

“Having fun?” I asked in Justin’s ear, leaning in to be heard but not to touch him-yet.

“I could be having more fun,” he replied as his hands gripped my waist, pulling me closer. I felt the trick’s hand start to pull out of Justin’s shirt and grabbed around his wrist to keep him in place.

“Backroom. I want to watch him fuck you.”

He looked surprised for a moment, his eyes finally fully open and looking at me. But then he licked his bottom lip and smiled as he simultaneously grabbed my cock and ground his ass back against his companion.

“Only if I get to watch you fuck too.”

I wasn’t planning on going to the backroom alone, Sunshine, but I had planned to get blown instead. But if Justin wanted to make conditions, this was one I’d willingly acquiesce to. We sealed the deal by my fucking his mouth with my tongue and his popping the buttons on my fly, the better to stroke my cock-just a stroke or two, didn’t want his trick to think we’d forgotten him.

I quickly found my own trick du noir, and followed Justin and his trick to the backroom, already looking forward to playing voyeur. The one drawback to being the one fucking Justin is that I’m limited in watching him. Tonight I intended to enjoy the pleasure of seeing every inch of him as he moved, every expression on his face as gets driven wild and then comes. And my lucky trick will get the benefit of my enjoyment. Justin’s ass may be mine whenever I choose to claim it, but sometimes it’s more fun to share one’s toys.

qaf, qaf fic

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