Proud of the Girl Scouts

Jan 14, 2012 18:49

As I may have mentioned before, both of my daughters have been involved in Girl Scouts, but I refused to allow my son to join the Boy Scouts. He asked to join once, but I had to refuse due the anti-gay membership policy of the Boy Scouts of the USA. (I was scrambling to find an alternative for him when I realized that if they didn't have a cookie sale like the Girl Scouts, he wasn't interested anyway.)

Now I have even more reason to be proud of the inclusiveness of the Girl Scouts. A troop recently allowed a transgender child to join. Idiots are, of course, calling for a boycott of the upcoming annual cookie sale. Supporters of inclusiveness are using this as an excuse to buy more cookies!

Here's a link to the CNN story.

in the media, glbt awareness and rights

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