FIC: New Spice

Jul 17, 2010 13:34

When I saw the latest viral video on my f-list, Study Like a Scholar, Scholar, I wondered what Brian Kinney would think of it.

Title: New Spice
Author: mysid
Fandom: Queer as Folk
Rating: G (I know; it does seem to contradict the fandom.)
Length: 294 words

“Brian, come see this,” Justin beckoned when Brian finished on the treadmill and was wiping sweat off his skin. Brian had been listening to his iPod while running, so he had no idea what Justin had been looking at on his laptop. Could be porn, could be the latest Rage story ideas from Michael, could be-and was--YouTube.

Justin clicked the “play” button as soon as Brian hung over the back of the sofa to look over Justin’s shoulder. A young man, doing an dead-on impersonation of the guy in the latest series of Old Spice commercials, was extolling the virtues of studying in a library.

And as the man rode off on a library cart with an exuberant “Hi-ya!” Brian said, “Play it again.”

Watching it a second time, Brian noted with approval that whoever had made the video had not only replicated many pertinent details of the Old Spice commercials, but also captured the same humor that made the Old Spice commercials work. The tongue in cheek humor succeeded in making studying in a library seem cool.

“Google the library.”

“Why?” Justin asked, even as he pulled up the site and typed “Harold B. Lee Library” into the search engine.

“It looks like a college library, and the ad looks like it might have been a student marketing project.”

“And you just might want to hire one or two of those marketing students?”

“Maybe,” Brian said as he moved off to get a bottle of water from the fridge.

Justin laughed. “Forget it.”

Brian turned and looked inquiringly at Justin.

“Brigham Young University. Can you imagine anyone from BYU trying to fit in at Kinnetik? His head would probably explode the first time he listened to the water cooler conversation.”

qaf, in the media, qaf fic

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